Lansing skaters were among over 150 skaters that competed at Mercyhurst College Ice Center in Erie, Pennsylvania this year.  They represented 20 figure skating clubs from New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio.  78 skating events were scheduled over the three day competition.


The BC Winter Club skates at The Rink in Lansing.  Twenty-three skaters from the Club competed at Erie, coached by Stacy Petri, Jeff Petri, Stacey Cook and Katie Shuman.  The Club won the Westminster Trophy, awarded to the club earning the most points over the competition based on the individual performances of its skaters.  Stacy and Jeff Petri are two of the Club's coaches who run the Learn to Skate and Intro to Figure programs at The Rink.
Three skaters from Lansing competed at Erie.  Katie (Jordan) will be a 7th grader at the Lansing Middle School in the fall.  Lucy (Rogers) will be entering 6th grade.  Another skater from Lansing who competed is Madeline Giroux.

Katie had skated casually at The Rink for a few years, with the Rec Department's after school program and The Rink's "Learn to Skate" and "Intro to Figure" programs.  She began skating more seriously this past spring, and is coached by Stacey Cook.  The Erie Invitational was her first competition.  She competed in three events at Erie, winning second and fourth place medals in two of those events.
