Lansing's Recreation Department is offering a wealth of programs this fall.  With everything from bowling to yoga, basketball to karate, there is something for everyone.  There are plenty of programs for kids, but also many for adults including a cardio step class, swimming, co-ed volleyball, and men's basketball.

Speaking of basketball, programs for 4th through 6th graders are accepting registrations now, and everyone who registers will get a free basketball.  "We're going to include a free basketball for the kids instead of a t-shirt," says Recreation Director Steve Colt.  "It's easier to practice dribbling your basketball than it is to dribble your t-shirt.  And most of the kids have a drawer full of them!" he laughs.

This year Adam Heck, the boys varsity basketball coach, will oversee the boys sessions, helping the kids aas well as the volunteer parent coaches.  Chris McCartney will be Heck's counterpart in the girl's sessions.  "She brings a tremendous wealth of basketball experience from her Division 1 play at Villanova, and endless top flight cams around the east coast," Colt says.  "She is an absolute expert in the field."

But he stresses that parent coaches are an important part of the program.  "We absolutely still need and depend upon our parent volunteer/coaches to make this thing work," he says.  "I think the way we're setting it up this year, those parents should feel more comfortable."

Both programs run two nights a week.  Boys and girls 5th and 6th grade teams will meet Monday and Thursday evenings in the high school gym from November 6th through December 21.  3rd and 4th graders will play Tuesdays and Wednesdays from November 7th through December 20th in the elementary school gym.

Gymnastics has been one of the Rec Department's most successful programs with around 40 kids typically participating.  It will be held this Fall at the Fingerlakes Gymnastics Academy for six sessions Friday afternoons, starting November 3rd and ending December 15.  The Rec Department supplies the transportation and the academy provides the instruction.  "The facility is awesome," Colt says.  "It's probably one of the best facilities they will ever experience in gymnastics.  And they can use everything.  The kids get exposed to it all."

The Rec Department's Karate program has been the surprise success story since it began last January.  "It's an unbelievable success story and it just keeps getting bigger every time we run it," Colt enthuses.  "It's a very well run program, and I think that's why it has taken off like it has."

The program is open for adults and kids alike.  "We have had cases where the parent watches the kids for a while and the next thing you know the parent has signed up for the adult part of it," Colt says.  "So it's the kind of thing you can do with your kid."  He says now is the perfect time to start because the weather isn't as nice this time of year, and it gets dark earlier.  

Colt attributes the program's success to the instructors Robin McColley and Gail Lajoie.  "It gets back to the quality of the instructors.  They know how to make it understandable and make it fun."

The deadline for joining the ski program has been extended to October 25th to get the discounted early-purchase price.  "Our town is probably the biggest account they've got," Colt notes.  "It's a good quality program.  It's safe, and the Lansing kids have amazingly good skills in skiing and snowboarding."

The program includes instruction by the Greek Peak staff, and bussing of Lansing participants to and from the site.  Last year the Rec Department sent five bus loads, and Colt anticipates the same number this season.  He says it is popular because the whole family can take part.  "There is a lot of parent participation in the program.  Many take it up for the second time and get hooked on it again.  It's a sport you can do with your kids, and it's a lifetime activity."

Indoor Softball
Indoor softball will be offered for girls in grades 5 through 8 Sunday mornings at The Field.  "They'll tune up their game, work on the details of their game, and stay in touch with a game they like so they can come out in the Spring ready to go," Colt says.  "Billie Boles will be augmenting parent coaches.  She was a college player and a very successful player around here," Colt says.

Registration forms for all the programs will be going into the schools and are also available at the Recreation Department office in Lansing Town Hall.  The department also takes registrations over the phone with credit cards.
