Lansing Family TriathlonLansing Family TriathlonSaturday morning (9/10) Lansing High School was overrun with local athletes, there to compete in the Lansing Family Triathlon.  The event was organized by the Lansing Central Schools Health Physical Ed and Family and Consumer Sciences Department, which consists of Lisa Livigne, Cindy Wright, Leone Inman, Carolyn Ferguson, Diane Hicks-Hughes, Adam Heck, Stuart Dean, Dan Elberty, Audrey Hummel and Shelly Matheny.

In Monday evening's school board meeting board President Bonita Lindberg complimented the organizers and announced they had raised enough money to donate a piece of equipment to the High School fitness center.


"We wanted to give people an opportunity to train for this and develop a healthy lifestyle where exercising is part of their daily routine," says Cindy Wright.  Funds were raised with entry fees.

Lisa Livigne

Lisa Livigne, clipboard in had, started the festivities with a welcome to all the athletes.  She told the crowd that 18 youth teams and ten youth individuals would be participating, as well as 11 adult teams and 15 adult individuals.  Teams split up the responsibilities, with one team member swimming, another biking and the third running, while individual competitors did all three.  Teams and individuals began in "heats," a starting time for each group of competitors.  Finish times were calculated from the starting time of the heat.

The TriathMoms: Mary Ellen Barber, Shelly Comisi, Janet Keefe

Some teams were made of family members.  Todd mallinson raced with his sons Nick and Ryan.  The "Three Ts" team was comprised of Maureen, Craig and Colleen Trowbridge.  Other teams were made of friends.  Janet Keefe (swim), Mary Ellen Barber (bike) and Shelly Comisi (run) called themselves "The TriathMoms."

Glen Swanson towels off Shanna as she hurries from swimming to biking
Josh and Bruce Barber waiting for their start times

Josh Barber lost both members of his team, but persisted so he could compete.  He lost his runner two weeks before the event due to a conflict, and the day before he lost his biker, who had broken his wrist.  He recruited Pete Ryan to bike for his team and Josh ran and swam.  He was relieved that he wasn't doing all three.

Glen Swanson was excited as his daughter Shanna finished the course.  "I think she came in first, but I'm not sure," he said.  When the final times were announced Shanna had beaten all the other individual girl competitors with a finish time of 30:54.  In the adult competition Dan Brown started in the second heat, but completed the entire course before anyone else, including those in the first heat.

At the end of the races medals were handed out, and there were snacks for the athletes.

The event has picked up steam this year.  Last year there were 80 participants, while 111 competed this year.  Ms. Wright sums up, "We hope everyone enjoyed the event and are proud of their accomplishments."

(At right: Dawn  Kleeschulte won Individual Woman Adult and Dan Brown won Individual Man Adult)

Youth winners

 Adult WinnersAdult Winners
Shanna Swanson, GIrls Individual Winner

Youth Division Medal Winners
Shanna Swanson Individual Girl 30:54
Ben Parks Individual Boy 30:03
Christina Wright, Josh McGiff and Andrew Zarate Co-ed Team 30:59
Sean Streb, Max Rogan, Taylor Schuster Boys Team 28:34
Katheryn Shaw, Katheryn Hornibrook, Morgan Barron Girls Team 39:42

Adult winners

Dan Brown, Mens Individual Winner, crossing the finish line
Adult Division Medal Winners
Dan Brown Mens Individual1:06.06 
Dawn  KleeschulteWomens Individual 1:16.22 
Kayla Arrison, Carol Melice, Ellyn Grant-Keane Womens Team (ADHD) 1:23.02
Nick, Ryan and Todd MallinsonMens Team 1:05.05
Maureen, Craig and Colleen TrowbridgeCo-ed TeamTeam (Triple T)1:13.37

After the Triathlon many of the participants stopped at the Varsity Girls Swim and Diving Team's chicken barbecue to support the team and have a great lunch
