- By Mary Grainger
- Around Town

IPEI’s Grants Committee has announced the first round of Teacher Grants and Red & Gold Grants for the 2016-17 school year; $18,848 has been awarded for 28 projects designed to enhance the education of ICSD students.
IPEI Executive Director Steven Manley said,"The level of excitement in the Grants Committee meeting was palpable as we envisioned innovative work in ICSD classrooms. We are so proud to support of the teachers of the ICSD!"
The next grant application deadline is January 18 for Teacher Grants, Red & Gold Grants and Connecting Classrooms Grants.
Grants made by IPEI during the 2015-16 year are celebrated by over 100 gold ribbon posters presented to the recipients in their schools and are highlighted in the recently released Annual Report.
IPEI Grants 2016-17
Round 1
Teacher Grants
Breaching Social Barriers with Merengue
Sharon Nelson and Jeannette Palmer/Boynton with Jorge Cuevas’ Percussion and Dance Workshops
OMNI Africa: Objects and their Makers
Eric Reiff/Belle Sherman with Carol Hockett, Johnson Museum of Art
Enfield Garden-based Initiative
Maureen Gilroy/Enfield with Lauren Salzman, Ithaca Children’s Garden, and Colleen McKenzie, Enfield School Age Program
Meet Me Where I Am
Nancy Braun and Arne van Leuken/BJM with Lisa Tsetse
Accessing Art
Lydia Dolch/Fall Creek with Carol Hockett, Johnson Museum of Art
Caroline Cougars Collecting Science Data and Camping in a National Park
Brain VanGorder/Caroline with National Park Service and Chuck Layton
Morocco Cultural Exchange
Steve Weissburg and Todd Noyes/Ithaca High with Lmsalla High School, Casablanca, and Islamic Community Outreach Services
Red and Gold Grants
A Night at the Museum!
Cara Salibrici and Gina Amici/Boynton
From Seed to Table
Robert Novick/Fall Creek
An Exploration of Medieval Treasures and the Role of the Hero
Viewing WWI through Art
Lauren McKown Mellander/IHS
The Modern Music Classroom
Jonathan Keefner/Enfield and Fall Creek
Using a Multi-Sensory Approach to Teach Social Emotional Skills
Varya Siegel and Sarah Smith/Fall Creek
NYS Baroque Meets DeWitt Chamber Orchestra
Aaron Buck/DeWitt
Differentiated Instruction
Margaret Philipson/Cayuga Heights
Ithaca High School Band 100th Anniversary Commission Project
Nicki Zawel/IHS
Pilot Trauma Informed Classroom Materials Lending Library
Jill Barbuti van Leuken/BJM
Changing Graphs and Shapes from 2D Paper into 3D Space in Geometry and Calculus
Gauri Kolhatkar and David Pepe/IHS
Can You Build It? Using STEM Based Building Manipulative/Materials to Create Structures through Team Challenges
Catherine Hart/Fall Creek
Yoga and Mindfulness
Diane Booth and Sonnary Phongswath/Boynton
Touch Math
Joby Greenspun and Denise Place/South Hill
Young Yogis
Taura McMeekin/Enfield
“The Hero in You” by Ellis Paul, Singer and Songwriter
Dorothy Preston/Caroline
Building Community Through Art – A Mosaic Mural Project
Sarah Locke-Mountin/Cayuga Heights
Library Makerspace
Milly Stephenson/Caroline
LEGO Makerspace
Megan Hulburt/Northeast
Jump-Rope, Plyometric Box Fitness, Double Dutch, Muscular Strength, Cardiovascular Fitness Improvement Initiative!
Sam Trechter/Belle Sherman
Caroline Physical Education JUMP STARTS the Year!
Amy Seldin-Murphy/Caroline
It’s A Watery World – Hands on Lessons
Julie Wells/Caroline