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posticon Statewide Enforcement Campaign Curtails Underage Drinking

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced Wednesday the results of coordinated efforts by the State Liquor Authority, the Department of Motor Vehicles and local law enforcement agencies to crack down on underage drinking throughout the state during the month of April. During this enforcement effort, SLA underage decoys visited 756 establishments, 200 of which made illegal sales. In addition, this April, DMV investigators arrested 48 people under the age of 21 attempting to use false identification to purchase alcohol.

"State and local law enforcement are taking proactive measures to deter underage drinking and to prevent the dangerous and potentially life-altering consequences that can come with it," Governor Cuomo said. "We are committed to continuing these coordinated efforts to keep young New Yorkers and our communities safe."

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posticon Waterways Contamination Challenge From Sewer Overflows

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Last year, billions of gallons of untreated sewage and stormwater impacted more than 200 waterways in New York due to antiquated and overwhelmed sewer systems, according to a report released today by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

"When billions of gallons of untreated waste spills into New York's waterways, our health, environment, economy and quality of life suffer," said DiNapoli. "State and local governments must remain focused on addressing the challenges of aging infrastructure through continued funding for these priorities, thoughtful capital planning and more sustainable development."

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posticon Legislation Will Address Flooding-Related Challenges

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Senator Pam Helming announced Tuesday that the New York State Senate passed two of her bills to assist shoreline communities still rebuilding from last year's damaging floods. The first bill establishes a Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Flood Prevention, Response and Recovery Program and the second bill establishes a Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Flood Prevention, Response, Recovery and Mitigation Task Force to examine and evaluate the causes and impacts of flooding along the southern shore of Lake Ontario.

"Last year, we provided much-needed relief to homeowners, businesses, and municipalities affected by the historic flooding. The financial assistance we delivered is the largest-ever state allocation of disaster relief in our state's history in order to protect our homeowners and small business owners. Increased water levels in the beginning part of this year indicate that such flooding could very well be a frequent occurrence rather than a simple, one-time event. It is our responsibility to develop a practical state government strategy to provide effective and ongoing prevention, response, and recovery measures that will assist communities along the southern shore of Lake Ontario. This legislation will direct the Task Force to help shoreline communities develop resiliency plans and mitigate the impacts of potential flooding in the future. I want to thank all of my colleagues for supporting this important legislation and fulfilling the state's obligation to these communities," Helming said.

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posticon Cuomo Announces $5.1 Million In Financing For Lansing Development

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Milton Meadows Apartments

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced yesterday that nearly $17 million has been awarded to three affordable housing developments in the Southern Tier, including $5.1 Million for a development to be built on the town center land across the street from the Lansing Town ball fields, that will create 202 affordable homes. The funding is part of more than $200 million the state is awarding to build or preserve more than 2,800 affordable apartments across New York's 10 regions, revitalize communities, and generate $1.1 billion in economic activity.

"This investment is a significant milestone in New York's $20 billion housing and homelessness plan, and a giant step forward in our efforts to increase access to homes for families, seniors and our most vulnerable men and women across the state," Cuomo said. "These resources will help the region build affordable, stronger, better neighborhoods for our residents for generations to come."

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posticon Villages Face Sewer Capacity Limitations

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Village of Lansing

Village of Mayor Donald Hartill said  that plans for a sewer extension that will not only cover the area around Cayuga heights Road, but will extend into the Town along East Shore Drive are making steady progress.  But Hartill told Village Trustees Monday that concerns about sewer treatment capacities of the Cayuga Heights and Ithaca Area treatment plants will mean taking more aggressive measures to conserve sewage treatment capacity.

"All of the systems, even our system, are more than 30 years old," Hartill said. "The system in the city is much older.  There's a problem of people who put their sump pump input into the sanitary sewers.  Apparently it's fairly widespread in the city.  I'm pretty sure we have example of it in the Villages of Lansing and and Cayuga Heights.  So when it rains we automatically get more flow."

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posticon $4.2 Million For High-Speed Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Along NYS Thruway

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced Wednesday that a $4.2 million expansion plan to install more high-speed electric vehicle charging stations along the New York State Thruway. The plan will allow electric car owners to drive the length of the state without having to exit to recharge. The fast charging station expansion will enable more New Yorkers to take an active role in the Governor's goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent by 2030 by driving zero-emission vehicles.

"New York is a leader in the fight against climate change and by aggressively investing in clean transportation infrastructure, we are taking action to lower our carbon footprint," Cuomo said. "By investing in the expansion of EV charging stations, this administration is working to reduce gas-powered vehicle emissions while making significant strides to establish a cleaner, greener New York for all."

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posticon Dry, Windy Conditions Pose Fire Threat

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Tompkins County is included in a 'red flag area', reported by the National Weather Service in Binghamton. Weather conditions, with low humidity and gusty winds, are ripe for rapid fire spread.

The Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response reminds residents that an outside burn ban is in effect through May 15th.

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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Capital Project Cost Increased for Tompkins Center for History and Culture Improvements
The Legislature amended the County's Capital Program to increase the project cost of code and building improvements for the Tompkins Center for History and Culture. The vote was 12-1, with Legislator Leslyn McBean-Clairborne voting no. (Legislator Glenn Morey was excused.) The increase of $445,000, to a total project cost of $3,345,100, reflects additional costs that arose during the course of design and bidding, which increased total cost beyond the existing $2.9 million previously appropriated for the project.

The County's net cost is now $2,795,100 after receipt of grants and donations—$450,000 originally pledged from leaders of the Tompkins Center for History and Culture capital fundraising campaign (which is now being delivered as part of a half-million-dollar grant from the State and Municipal Facilities Program) and a $100,000 capital grant from the County's Strategic Tourism Planning Board.

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posticon Helming: American Flags Should Be Made In The USA

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This week, Senator Pam Helming's legislation to ensure that all American flags purchased by the State of New York are manufactured in the United States of America passed the Senate. Helming's legislation passed with overwhelming, unanimous bipartisan support.

"As a member of a military family, I have a deeply-held sense of pride every time I see the American flag flying high above our state capitol. The American flag serves not only as a symbol of freedom and hope for countless people around the world, but also as a reminder here at home of the many sacrifices our brave servicemen and women have made on behalf of our great nation. It is sad to think a symbol of such meaning and honor could be made anywhere other than right here on American soil. I thank my colleagues in the Senate for putting politics aside to support this meaningful legislation and hope the Assembly will follow suit," Helming said.

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posticon $7 Million To Pave State Roads Impacted By Extreme Weather

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Senator Pam Helming announced Monday nearly $7 million in funding to repave and enhance state-owned roadways impacted by extreme weather this past winter. Funding will support four local projects in the 54th Senate District. Senator Helming fought for these local projects in the state budget. It is anticipated that all of the projects will be completed by the end of this year.

"Our families, farms, and local job creating businesses depend on safe, well maintained roads. The impact of this year's harsh winter is clear when you see the potholes and other damage local roadways have sustained. This critical infrastructure investment will make these stretches of road safer, while helping to support our efforts to promote local commerce and tourism. As State Senator, I've worked tirelessly to advocate for our region, and to deliver our fair share of local infrastructure funding. I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure that we get the funding we need to maintain our roads and keep motorists safe," said Helming.

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posticon Helming Bill Establishes Crime For Violence Against Police Officers

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Senator Pam Helming today announced that the New York State Senate passed legislation she sponsors to prevent violence against those who have made a career out of protecting the citizens of this state. Specifically, the legislation would amend the penal law to establish a class D felony for the crime of inciting violence against a police officer. Senator Helming has been staunch advocate for local law enforcement and stronger penalties for hardened criminals.

"We are seeing a growing trend of people inciting violence against law enforcement officers. Our brave police men and women put their lives on the line every day to serve and protect our communities. We need to do all we can to protect our officers by sending a strong message that we will not tolerate those who explicitly target them because of the uniform they wear. These criminals will have real consequences for their actions. I strongly urge the Governor and the Assembly Majority to join me in "Backing the Blue" and putting the safety of our officers first by supporting this important legislation," said Helming.

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posticon Salt Point To Become Wheelchair Accessible

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Salt Point Loop Walk

Salt Point will soon be wheelchair accessible.  The main gravel loop walk in the park will be converted this summer to a hard-surface walkway that can accomodate wheelchairs.  The Lansing Town Board Wednesday discussed a plan to recover the coarse gravel loop walk that spans the lakefront portion of Salt Point from the handicapped parking area to the north, and loops along Salmon Creek to the parking lot at the entryway of the park.

"We're trying to make Salt Point more handicap accessible," said Councilwoman Katrina Binkewicz. "We have had some complaints about the instability of the loop trail.  Cricket (Highway Superintendent Charlie Purcell) said limestone dust would have a very reasonable cost.  The Highway Department could apply it and it would be long-lasting."

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posticon Sheriff Warns Of Local Phone Scam

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The Tompkins County Sheriff's Office has received multiple complaints over the past several months regarding fraudulent phone calls being made to community members on behalf of the Tompkins County Sheriff's Office.

These calls are coming in from local numbers and using current personnel names in an attempt to solicit money. In several cases the number has stayed the same; 607-216-6196. They are using a variety of reasons for the call; 'missed court dates', 'summons', 'warrant of arrest', etc...

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