- By Dan Veaner
- Current Issue

The Star is organized into five main sections, most with sub-pages, plus the front page. The front page is a collection of the week's top stories. Clicking "Read more" takes you to the stories on the main page of the section they are posted in.
The Lansing Star is published on Fridays. We send a newsletter to people who sign up for it to be reminded that a new issue has been published.
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The Lansing Star is owned by L-Star Publishing, Inc. , a Lansing, NY company. It is operated by Lansing residents Karen and Dan Veaner. L-Star Publishing also hosts other Web sites, including ithacaWeather.net , and IthaCalendar.com .
The Lansing Star published intermittently during the summer of 2005 before officially debuting its first Friday morning issue on July 22nd, 2005.