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posticon Federal Funding Helps With Heating And Cooling Costs

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thermostatThe Administration for Children and Families has released $325,060,769 to help low-income families in New York stay warm during winter months, cool during summer months and make cost-effective home energy repairs.

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which is run by the Office of Community Services at HHS' Administration for Children and Families, provides funding to states, the District of Columbia, territories and tribes to assist households with paying energy bills and weatherize homes for energy improvements.

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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tc leg120Legislators Adopt Amendments to 2017 Recommended Budget; Set Public Hearing
The Tompkins County Legislature formally adopted amendments to the County Administrator's 2017 Recommended Budget and the Capital Program for the next five years, as recommended by the Expanded Budget Committee.  The vote was unanimous. There were no changes to the package recommended by the Expanded Budget Committee before the Legislature vote.

The amended budget would increase the County tax levy 2.93%.  The recommended tax rate of $6.62 per thousand is down by 11 cents (1.53%) from 2016 and is a penny less than the Administrator's budget, representing an increase of $15.64 in the tax bill for the median-valued $175,000 home.  The amended budget's recommended levy increase of 2.93% compares to a 3% increase contained in the County Administrator's budget.

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posticon 'Justice for Victims' Joins with Law Enforcement to Offer HELP Act

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capitalbuilding 120Calling it 'Justice for victims of the heroin and opioid abuse epidemic', Tom Reed introduced the Help Ensure Lives are Protected (HELP) act.

"We care about providing justice for the victims lost and the families destroyed by the heroin epidemic," said Reed. "It's only right that we join together as a regional community to put a stop to worst of the worst crimes."

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posticon Pension Cuts Opposed

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capitalbuilding2 120Tom Reed is demanding the United States Treasury Secretary reject cuts which would harm area retirees.

"We care about the hardworking men and women of our region that have earned these benefits. They have to know that a promise made is a promise kept and everyone should be held to that standard," said Reed. "It's only right that we stand with them and protect retirees from unfair cuts and ensure they get access to the benefits they deserve."

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posticon Village Zoning Change Prompts Passionate Opposition

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Village of LansingAfter a confrontational meeting at the end of last month, neighbors attended a public hearing Monday to tell Village of Lansing Trustees what they think about a proposed zoning change to a lot on Bomax Road.  The Trustees will decide whether or not to change the zoning from 'Business and Technology' use to 'High Density Residential'.  If approved the zoning change will pave the way for an upscale 140 unit rental complex.  But developers and residents of a nearby development filled the Village of Lansing Hall to oppose the change, charging that it will negatively impact their property values, increase traffic, and slow the completion of their own project.

"If you put in this apartment complex you’re going to make what we’re doing slow down," Lisa Bonniwell told the Trustees, representing IJ Construction of Ithaca with her mother Janet Jonson.  "The value we all have in our homes is probably going to go down.  People often say ‘let’s not make this personal’.  It is personal.  We’ve invested in this community.  We voted you all in.  now listen to us.  We’re not happy.  That’s why we’re here."

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posticon Nozzolio Resists SUNY Failure to Screen For Felons

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albany2 120Albany – Senator Mike Nozzolio called on the SUNY Board of Trustees last Friday to reverse their recent decision to change the application process for SUNY schools.  Under the new policy, an applicant would not have to disclose whether or not he or she had ever been convicted of a felony.

In response to the SUNY Board of Trustees' actions taken on Wednesday, September 14th, Nozzolio will introduce legislation requiring the  state's higher education system to return to screening applicants for such violations. He has also sent a letter outlining his concerns to SUNY Board of Trustees and them to reconsider their decision.

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posticon Cargill Asks For Tax Abatement On New Mine Shaft

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Cargill Mine Shaft40 people filled the Lansing Town Hall last Friday to tell the Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency (IDA) what they think about a proposed tax abatement on materials to build a new mine shaft in Lansing.  The public hearing was to gather comments on a proposal to grant a sales tax abatement of $640,000 to Cargill Deicing Technology (CDT) when it builds a new $45 million mine shaft in Lansing.

Of 19 speakers seven were in favor of granting the abatement, while 12 said they opposed it.  Most speakers agreed that Cargill has been an exceptionally 'good neighbor,' pouring donations of money and volunteer hours into the community, assisting local event and nearby companies, and providing about 200 jobs and millions of dollars of local taxes and business.  But some questioned whether a profitable, established company should receive a tax abatement.

"Our county, like so many counties in the State of New York, is suffering because of the decline of sales taxes," said village of Lansing resident Ronnie Hardaway.  "I think it behooves our local government, to take it into consideration before signing a tax abatement of this amount to a large company that can absorb this cost."

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posticon Sexual Assault Bill of Rights Act Becomes Law

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capitalbuilding 120Congressman Tom Reed applauding the newly enacted Survivor's Bill of Rights Act of 2016.

"We care about the victims of sexual assault and this law is a monumental step forward to protect them," said Reed. "We remained committed to supporting those in need by encouraging them to come forward to seek justice and providing them with the resources and compassion they need to recover."

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posticon County Budget Recommendations Added

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tc seal120Legislators acting as an Expanded Budget Committee have begun to recommend changes to County Administrator Joe Mareane' Recommended Budget delivered to them a month ago, marking the start of a new phase of the County's 2017 budget process.

Legislators recommended the following changes to the budget.  These decisions may be reconsidered at later expanded committee meetings and will require approval by the full Legislature to become final.

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posticon Manufacturing Jobs Plan Unveiled

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capitalbuilding2 120Congressman Tom Reed unveiled Our Vision for America's Manufacturing Future in Jamestown.

"We care about revitalizing America's manufacturing sector. Domestic manufacturing is critical to not only our local economy, but also our national economy. This industry brings jobs to our nation, which means food on the table for local families and a better quality of life for so many here at home," said Reed.

Reed was joined by State Assemblyman Andy Goodell and Chautauqua County Legislators Elisabeth Rankin and Mark Odell, a representative from State Senator Cathy Young's office, area economic development leaders and Rick and Heather Turner co-owners of Blackstone Advanced Technologies in Jamestown, to unveil the proposal after a tour of the Blackstone facility.

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posticon Northwoods Road Improvements Coming... Finally!

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Northwoods RoadFor many years it has been predictable that Mayor Donald Hartill would report, somewhat optimistically, to the Village Trustees on progress making Northwoods Road a Village of Lansing property.  Village officials have long had plans to improve the road, but nothing could be done until it was conveyed to the Village.  Month after month Hartill said that negotiations were moving forward, but after more than a decade it seemed more a case of crying 'wolf' than something that was actually going to happen.  Earlier this month he had good news: the paperwork was completed, signed, and Northwoods Road finally belongs to the Village.

"Northwoods road is now officially a village road," Hartill reported.  "That is one thing off my plate that’s been on my plate for a long time!"

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posticon Fairer Water Rates Proposed, But Not Yet

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Bolton PointIndividual municipal water customers in the Lansings have subsidized large business users for years.  More than 50% of Bolton Point residential customers use less than the minimum of 10,000 gallons per quarter minimum they are charged for, effectively subsidizing large water users like Borg Warner, the Ithaca Mall and Cargill.  Individuals like Ladoga Park resident Dave Heck have long advocated a smaller minimum on the grounds that it would provide relief for seniors on fixed incomes who don't come close to the minimum.  Four years ago Water Commissioner and Village of Lansing Mayor Donald Hartill took up the banner, starting a discussion among Bolton Point Planning and Public Affairs Committee members about developing a fairer rate structure that would continue to cover operating costs.

"There is a step where we calculate the extra income from the minimum rate charge," Hartill said.  "It turns out the current calculation typically reduces the water rate around 10%.  The effect is that people who use less water than 10,000 gallons per quarter are actually subsidizing the big users."

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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tc leg120New Local Law Approved Regarding Late Application for Low-Income Senior Exemption
Following a public hearing, the Legislature approved, without dissent, a new Local Law that enacts a late application procedure for the low-income senior citizen real property exemption through the Department of Assessment.  As part of the 2016 Budget Bill, the New York State Legislature allowed by local option the ability to extend the filing deadline to the last day to pay school taxes without interest, in cases where the assessor deems that a property owner has good cause to miss the application deadline.

Before the vote, Legislator Dooley Kiefer noted that "good cause", as defined by the Director of Assessment, would be indicated by a death of the applicant's spouse, child, parent, brother or sister; or an illness of the applicant or of the applicant's spouse, child, parent, brother or sister, which actually prevents the applicant from filing on a timely basis, as certified by a licensed physician.
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