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posticon House Passes Zika Virus Veterans Spending Agreement

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capitalbuilding 120Tom Reed continued to stand with Veterans by supporting the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs spending bill, as part of an agreement with the Senate to get the bill into law. "We care about our veterans and we are proud to support the brave men and women who have sacrificed so much for us. This bill funds programs that are critical to their well-being and it was only right we supported this bill."

The bill prioritizes funding for the Veterans Administration, by focusing on providing care for over 7 million patients, allocating $52.8 billion for VA medical services.  These services include programs targeted at addressing mental healthcare, suicide prevention, traumatic brain injury and opioid safety. The bill also includes an increase for caregiver stipends, and efforts to end veteran's homelessness.

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posticon Town Considers Commercial Solar Moratorium

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Commercial Solar Moratorium ConsideredThe Town of Lansing may impose a three month moratorium to give the Planning Board time to consider a new law governing commercial solar farms.  Board members expressed frustration Monday with their role in overseeing solar projects in the township.  Planning Board Chairman Tom Ellis said that developers, in a rush to take advantage of NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority) funding, are asking the Board to provide letters and assurances before actual projects are presented, something, he added, the Board does not do.  He said that puts pressure on the Town to craft a law governing commercial solar arrays.

"It seems like the pressure's on," Ellis said.  "There is a stampede for this money before it dries up from NYSERDA.  It prompted me to think we really don't have a great solar section (of law) here."

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posticon Tompkins County Signs 'Voluntary Collection Agreement' with Airbnb

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airbnbThe Tompkins County Department of Finance has come to an agreement with the online short-term home rental company Airbnb concerning the collection of local hotel room occupancy tax. Beginning July 1, 2016 anyone booking rooms in Tompkins County through Airbnb will automatically be charged the local 3% room tax.  Airbnb will remit these collections to the County each quarter on behalf of local hosts. Tompkins is the first County in New York State to reach such an agreement with the company.

"The County welcomes this collaboration with Airbnb that will ensure 100% participation in the room tax program from all Airbnb clients and greatly benefit tourism in Tompkins County.  The Tompkins County Finance Department recently sent notices to Room Tax Registrants informing them of this upcoming change in reporting room tax to the County", says Helen Beach in the Tompkins County Department of Finance.

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posticon Town To Implement New Solicitation Law

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Solicitation LawThe town of Lansing hasn't updated its Peddling and Solicitation law since 1966.  The law defines peddling and solicitation, requiring a license for any 'person who goes from place to place, or house to house, or who stands in the street or public place taking or offering to take orders for goods, wares, or merchandise, or for services performed in the future, or for making manufacturing, or repairing any article or thing whatsoever for future delivery.'  This month town officials decided it is time to bring the law into the 21st century.

"These laws relate back to when there was something called soliciting and something called peddling," explained Lansing Attorney Guy Krogh.  "Where I grew up a knife sharpener would roll down the road once every week.  The initial impetus for these types of laws in the '60s and '70s was a police oriented, wanting to know who was in the neighborhood, who has access to houses, who might have seen something, etc.  Then the idea came, rightly or wrongly, that it could also be used as a means of regulating commerce -- what type of business should and should not be allowed in your town."

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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tc leg120Legislature Approves Financial Arrangement for Development of Amici House Supportive Housing
The Legislature approved County financial support to enable Tompkins Community Action to develop the Amici House Project, which will serve homeless and housing-vulnerable young people.  The action authorizes the County to acquire a parcel of land at 661 Spencer Road, owned by TCAction, at a cost of $118,000, and amend the County's 2001 financing agreement for acquisition and development of TCAction's adjacent headquarters, to incorporate the parcel.  The existing 20-year payback agreement with TCAction will be extended by two years, to 2023, to reimburse the County for the additional expense.  Approval came by a vote of 13 in favor, with Legislator Carol Chock recusing herself due to her family connection with Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services, which is involved in some aspects of development of the project.

Amici House will house otherwise homeless young people, age 18-25, some of whom may have children.  Operated by TCAction, the project will provide up to 23 units of supportive housing, as well as five Early Head Start Classrooms.  It will consist of two structures, one for the residential units, the other for the classrooms.  The action consolidates ownership of the entire TCAction complex.  TCAction will use the sale proceeds to help develop the Amici House project, which is also expected to draw outside grant support.

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posticon Lifton Announces End-of-Session Accomplishments

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albanycapital120Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton (D/WFP-125AD, Tompkins/Cortland) announced Tuesday several accomplishments of the recently concluded legislative session in Albany. The legislature made progress, she said, in a number of areas: ethics reform, support for affordable housing, lead testing in schools, measures to combat heroin and opioid addiction, state takeover of indigent legal defense, among others. The bills passed by the legislature will now go to the Governor's desk for approval, she said.

"This has been a troubling year in Albany, with the high-profile convictions of the former Assembly Speaker and the former Majority Leader, and an ever-expanding investigation into the Executive Chamber," said Lifton. "But in the midst of all this, members of the legislature did come together and make significant progress on a number of issues that are of vital concern to our constituents."

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posticon Cuomo Launches $110 Million Pedestrian Safety Initiative

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crosswalk 1Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced Monday state’s first-ever, comprehensive pedestrian safety plan, a proactive, multi-agency initiative that provides $110 million for pedestrian safety improvements across upstate New York and Long Island during the next five years. The program will utilize an engineering, education and enforcement campaign to enhance safety. To kick off the campaign, the Governor introduced a new pedestrian safety web site at Beginning last Monday, more than a dozen police agencies across the state are conducting pedestrian safety enforcement campaigns that will run through July 3.

"Supporting these education programs and enforcement efforts will set a new safety standard for pedestrians and motorists and help make this state’s roadways safer for all,” Governor Cuomo said. "Through these efforts, we will help prevent avoidable tragedies and save lives."

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posticon Reed Responds To Orlando Terror Attack

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capitalbuilding 120In the wake of the terrorist shootings at the Pulse night club in Orlando, Florida, Tom Reed renewed his calls to defeat radical Islamic terrorism and do more to help our law enforcement to prevent these attacks.

"Our thoughts in prayers go out to everyone impacted by this act of terror.  These people were attacked for who they are, be it based on their sexual orientation or because they are American," said Reed. "We care about keeping all Americans safe and that means we must proactively engage the real enemy, radical Islamic terrorism. It's only right that we come together to defeat terrorism and keep Americans safe."

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posticon Charter Review Committee Mulls Future Form of Sheriff's Position

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sheriffbadge2The special committee of the Tompkins County Legislature in its final stages of its once-a-decade review of the County Charter today discussed the future of the position of Tompkins County Sheriff—whether the position should remain an elected position, or whether, as part of the charter review, it should be recommended to change to an appointed position, similar to a Police Chief or other top-level County department heads.

Any change from an elected to appointed position would have to be approved by the voters by referendum.  At today's meeting, Legislature Chair Michael Lane noted that the issue has been discussed since the 1990S, which committee chair Dooley Kiefer said included the last charter review a decade ago.

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posticon Affordable Care Act Dramatically Improved Rural Coverage

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doctorWashington, DC – The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released an analysis last Friday of how the Affordable Care Act has benefited rural America. The findings, which examine independent studies and other data, show that health coverage in rural counties increased by 8.0 percentage points between late 2013 and early 2015, and the share of rural Americans unable to afford needed care dropped by almost six percentage points.

"The Affordable Care Act has helped millions of people in rural areas access quality, affordable health coverage," said Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell. "As someone from rural America, I know how important these gains in coverage and access to care are to communities like my hometown of Hinton, West Virginia."

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posticon Bills Protect Children's Health And Prevent Addiction

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child 1Senator Michael F. Nozzolio announced that the New York State Senate has recently enacted two measures to help protect the health of our children by preventing addiction to opioids and nicotine.

Senate bill S.7337 prohibits health practitioners from prescribing to a minor more than a seven-day supply of any controlled substance containing an opioid and requires them to obtain written parental consent before issuing the prescription. The second enacted bill, S.6978, prohibits the distribution or sale of electronic cigarettes to minors.

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posticon Lansing Meets State and Local Republican Candidates

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Republican PicnicRepublican candidates for state and local offices gathered at Myers Park Saturday for a picnic hosted by the Lansing Republicans.  Floyd Rayburn, Herb Masser, and Debbie Munson showed up to meet Lansing residents, gather signatures for their campaigns, and enjoy a burger.

"We got to meet the candidates," said lansing Supervisor Ed LaVigne.  "We got to meet Herb Masser, running for Assembly, and we got to meet Floyd Rayburn, who is running in the state Senate primary for the republican nomination.  People got to meet Deb Munson, who is our Town Clerk now and is running to be elected."

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posticon Sigler Withdraws From State Senate Race

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sigler 2016 120Tompkins County Legislator Lansing, Mike Sigler (R-Lansing) announced today he is withdrawing from the New York State Senate 54th District race.  Sigler was one of at least a dozen contenders for the Republican Committee endorsement across the district, to try to keep a Republican in retiring NYS Senator Mike Nozzolio's office.  But Canandaigua Town Supervisor Pam Helming won the endorsement when district Republicans voted on May 25th.  Ontario County Businessman Floyd Rayburn (R) will challenge Helming in a primary election September 13.

"It was a tough decision, but I think ultimately the right one.  My main reason for running was to protect the interests of my town and I believe Floyd Rayburn will do that which is why I'm supporting him in the upcoming primary. I want a state where I can say to my daughter, 'build your life here.' I think Floyd has the best chance at winning this seat and carrying a message like that forward.  Lansing is a small part of the district, three percent.  I want someone who won't be rolled by the state as I've seen happen to so many senators over the past year."

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