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posticon Juneteenth Recognized as New York State Holiday

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo issued an Executive Order Wednesday recognizing Juneteenth (today, June 19th) as a holiday for state employees, in recognition of the official emancipation of African Americans throughout the United States. The Governor will also advance legislation to make Juneteenth an official state holiday next year.

"Friday is Juneteenth - a day to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States - and it's a day that is especially relevant in this moment in history," Cuomo said. "Although slavery ended over 150 years ago, there has still been rampant, systemic discrimination and injustice in this state and this nation, and we have been working to enact real reforms to address these inequalities. I am going to issue an Executive Order recognizing Juneteenth as a holiday for state employees and I'll propose legislation next year to make it an official state holiday so New Yorkers can use this day to reflect on all the changes we still need to make to create a more fair, just and equal society."

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posticon Federal Infrastructure Investment Plan Introduced

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Washington, DC - Congressmen Daniel Webster (FL-11), Dan Meuser (PA-09), Tom Reed (NY-23) and Doug LaMalfa (CA-01) recently introduced H.R. 7231 the Infrastructure Bank for America Act of 2020, a bill to support wholesale lending to infrastructure projects through state and local governments, state infrastructure banks and private entities.

"America's infrastructure is long overdue for critical repairs and needed advancements," said Webster. This bank will work with state and local partners to facilitate private infrastructure investment, creating a needed mechanism for states and municipalities to access necessary funding."

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posticon Town Parks and Rec Programs Reopening

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While the Village of Lansing continues to keep its parks and playgrounds closed, the Town of Lansing is cautiously reopening it's parks and recreation programs. Town parks have remained open throughout the lockdown, but bathrooms and playgrounds have only recently opened. Parks & Recreation Supervisor Patrick Tyrrell said Wednesday that a limited selection of summer recreation programs are also being offered.

"There has been quite a demand and a lot of phone calls and emails to our department to have some summer camps," Tyrrell said. "Some directors or counselors don't feel comfortable having those. We understand that, so we're working through our list and seeing who would like to hold camp and who would not like to hold camp, and going from there. The list is going to be shorter than normal, but we are going to have some camps."

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posticon Village of Lansing Election Postponed

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Village of Lansing Elections, originally scheduled for Tuesday, April 28, have been postponed until September 15th, to comply with an executive order signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo on March 30th. Village resident Simon Moll is running unopposed for John O'Neill's Board of Trustees seat. Mayor Donald Hartill says that the delayed election has not impacted Village operations, even though,with O'Neill out for health reasons, only four voting members attended Monday's Trustee meeting.

"We're down by one person right at the moment, but we're managing, I think is the right way to look at it," Hartill said.

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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Resolution to Change Legislative Terms in Anticipation of 2021 Delayed Census Results Fails

A resolution moved by Legislator Dan Klein directing the County Attorney to prepare a local law changing the term of office for Tompkins County Legislators elected in November 2021 to a two-year term with a return to four-year terms thereafter failed (7-7). The resolution was opposed by Legislators Henry Granison, Anne Koreman, Dave McKenna, Glenn Morey, Mike Sigler, Shawna Black, and Amanda Champion. This leaves the 2021 elections at four-year terms with the next legislative district conversation slated for 2026 unless new action is brought by a Legislator who opposed the resolution. The Tompkins County Legislature has been considering whether to adjust term lengths around the return of census data in order to most accurately represent districts by total population. The redistricting process ensures that residents receive adequate representation in our County Legislature.

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posticon County Officials Discuss COVID-19, Racial Injustices

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Tompkins County officials held a live-streamed weekly town hall on June 4th, and shared updates on the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and responded to racial injustices, including the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN.

Tompkins County Legislature Chairwoman Leslyn McBean-Clairborne began the town hall stating, "The killing of George Floyd has set off conflict and conversation in our communities, this is the straw that broke the camel's back ... Mr. Floyd did not deserve to die." McBean-Clairborne referenced recent actions taken by the Tompkins County Legislature, Office of Human Rights, and Sheriff's Office, stating that she expects there to be "education and interruption of racism, in our own County Government and in our communities."

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posticon Assembly Passes 'Say Their Name' Police Reform Legislation

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced last week that the "Say Their Name" reform agenda following the murder of George Floyd and an ongoing pattern of police brutality against minority communities across the nation. The Governor said he will work with the State Legislature to get these policies done next week.

The list of policy priorities builds on earlier proposals he called for in the immediate aftermath of the killing of George Floyd and prior executive actions he has taken including appointing the Attorney General as a special prosecutor in matters relating to the deaths of unarmed civilians caused by law enforcement.

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posticon 2020 Census Impacts on Public Transportation

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The outcome of the 2020 Census will have broad implications for issues such as local redistricting and funding for vital public services. One area directly impacting Tompkins County residents is public transportation, whether they drive, carpool, take the bus, bike, or walk to get to where they need to go.

Public spending on transportation infrastructure totaled nearly $300 billion in the United States in 2017. The Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council will receive approximately $34 million in federal highway funds and about $15 million in transit funds over the 2020-2024 five-year period. Those dollars, based on census figures, support Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT), paratransit provider Gadabout Transportation Services, Inc., bridge repairs, paving, recreational trails, pedestrian safety, and highway improvements.

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posticon Property Tax Abatement Filing Extended to July 15

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed legislation (S.8122-B/ A.10241-A) authorizing local governments to extend the deadline for filing property tax abatements to July 15, 2020 in recognition of the hardships many families and businesses continue to face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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posticon Cayuga Mine Achieves a Decade With No Lost-time Injuries

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Cargill’s Cayuga Mine in Lansing announced it has gone more than a decade without a lost-time injury. The safety milestone translates to equates to over 4.2 million hours worked safely by mine employees.

"At Cargill, safety is our top priority," said Cargill's Cayuga Mine manager Shawn Wilczynski. "We are committed to sending everyone home safe every day. Our Cayuga Mine team is a great example of executing our commitment to safety."

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posticon State to Allow Outdoor Graduations of Up to 150 People

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced Sunday that outdoor, socially distanced graduations of up to 150 people will be allowed beginning June 26th, subject to any outbreaks or significant changes in the metrics.

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posticon South George Road Bridge Reopens Weeks Early

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One week ago The Town of Dryden announced the reopening of the South George Road bridge over Virgil Creek on Friday, June 5. 

The old timber bridge, originally constructed in 1936, was at the end of its useful life and was replaced with new concrete abutments on steel pile foundations, new steel girders and a concrete deck.  The project is funded with 80% federal funds, 15% state funds, with a 5% Town match. The bridge was closed in late February to begin construction and has been completed 4 weeks ahead of schedule and under budget despite the ongoing pandemic. 

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posticon Five Regions Will Enter Phase Three of Reopening Today

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New York State Coronavirus

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that five regions—Central New York, Finger Lakes, Mohawk Valley, North Country and Southern Tier (which includes Tompkins County) - will enter phase three of reopening today, June 12th. The team of global public health experts advising New York State on its reopening strategy has thoroughly reviewed the data for the five regions and cleared them to enter phase three.

Phase three allows indoor restaurant and food services and personal care services to resume. Each industry is subject to specific state guidelines to maximize safety and social distancing. Business guidance for phase three of the state's reopening plan is available here.

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