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posticon State Assembly: Reynolds Wants Fiscal and Bureaucratic Reform

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Tom Reynolds spent 29 years as an executive in the areas of business, health care, social services, and education.  He lives in Newfield, and has three grown daughters.  He worked for Ithaca College for nine years, and lived for three years in Albany.  Reynolds has been conducting an aggressive campaign for the Assembly seat currently held by Barbara Lifton, stressing issues that have primarily to do with the budget deficit and jobs.  He stopped by the Lansing Star Tuesday to talk about his campaign.

Lansing Star: Why are you running for State Assembly?

Tom Reynolds: Someone's got to do it!  I've moaned and groaned about politicians in Albany for years.  When they approached me with the chance to run for Assembly my first reaction was, 'I don't need Assemblyman on my tombstone.'  This is nothing that I particularly need, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life complaining about the politicians and the bureaucrats.  My history is that I don't complain about it -- I do something.  So I wanted to get involved.
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posticon State Aid Exceeds School Estimate

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school_lockers120Lansing Central School District Business Administrator Mary June King delivered some welcome good news to the Board of Education Monday when she reported that state aid will come to about a half million dollars more than planned for when the board developed the $24,377,906 2010-2011 budget last Spring.  Budgeting for the schools is something of a guessing game, especially in an environment when the New York State budgets are regularly passed months after the deadline.
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posticon Legislators Accept Airport Wildlife Hazard Assessment Grant

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airport2_120At a special session conducted in conjunction with an expanded budget committee review meeting, Legislators by unanimous vote authorized acceptance of a $100,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant to conduct a wildlife hazard assessment at Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport.  (Legislators Pam Mackesey and Nathan Shinagawa were excused.)
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posticon Legislators Conduct Second Budget Review Session

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tc_court120hLegislators, acting as an Expanded Budget Committee, tonight heard five program presentations in a second night of 2011 County Budget review.  The County Administrator’s tentative budget recommends $74.4 million in local dollar spending, which holds spending nearly steady from 2010 in spite of substantial mandated increases, and uses spending reductions and revenue increases to close a $4.7 million budget gap and meet the Legislature’s 5% tax levy increase goal.
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posticon TCAT Provides Help During Police Incident

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tcat2_120A TCAT bus became a temporary home Thursday morning after emergency officials were forced to evacuate an apartment building at the 300 block of Seneca Street due to a police incident.

TCAT Supervisor Cliff Ducey responded to a request around 9 a.m. from Ithaca City Police Department and New York State Police to drive a bus to the scene to provide shelter to the tenants. Ducey parked the bus across the street at the Salvation Army where 17 people and three dogs boarded the bus.
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posticon Tompkins Democrats Meet Their Candidates

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Tompkins County Party Chair Irene Stein welcomed local Democrats to meet their candidates in the large pavilion in Stewart Park last Sunday.  Speakers included candidates for national, state, and local races, including 

"We are fighting the fight of our lives in this country," Stein said.  "The right wing has hypnotized many in the nation into believing that dirty air is clean air.  That polluted water is clean water.  That reforming disgraceful business at financial practices is government meddling."
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posticon Meskill Wins Sheriff Primary

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sheriffbadge2Peter Meskill defeated challenger Ken Lansing for Tompkins County Sheriff Democratic primary election Tuesday.  The unofficial results (write-ins not included) with all districts reportingwere Meskill 2422, Lansing 2077.

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posticon Local Environmentalists Endorse Arcuri

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arcuri-sierra_120Congressman Michael Arcuri was in Caroline Tuesday to receive an endorsement from the local Sierra Club.  The Sierra Club's Iroquois Group Political Chair Dr. Rhea Jezer announced the endorsement to a group of local Democrats and well-wishers on a portion of the Finger Lakes Trail near the Tompkins and Tioga County line.

"It is rare that you have a congressman of this sort who really cares," she said.  "He cares about every one of his constituents.  He cares about the environment they live in for their health, and for their safety, and particularly for this gorgeous environment that we have here."
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posticon 2011 Tentative County Budget Unveiled

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mareane_120County Administrator Joe MareaneCounty Administrator Joe Mareane delivered to the County Legislature a 2011 Tentative County Budget that employs a balanced approach to address unprecedented fiscal challenges.  The budget holds the line on spending and calls for program reductions to fill a $4.7 million budget gap, while meeting the  Legislature’s goal of increasing the tax levy by no more than 5%.

The recommended budget totals $74.4 million in local dollar spending, an increase of 0.6% over the 2010 budget, in spite of substantial increases in mandated spending.  It closes a $4.7 million budget gap through a balanced mix of revenue increases and spending decreases, producing a $1.9 million (5%) property tax levy increase coupled with a $2 million spending reduction.  Some spending reductions will affect entire programs. 
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posticon Deputy Salaries Announced

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sheriffbadge2County Administrator Joe Mareane reported the arbitrator has issued his decision in binding interest arbitration for the March 2006-February 2008 contract for uniformed members of the Employees Union Tompkins County Sheriff’s Department (road patrol).  The 2006-2007 contract was referred to arbitration in 2008.
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posticon BIPAC Endorses Hanna

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hanna120Richard hannaThe Business-Industry Political Action Committee (BIPAC) today endorsed Richard Hanna as its candidate for the 24th Congressional District race.

“As a successful businessman, you know what conditions enable an entrepreneur to make investment decisions in order to grow and thrive,” said Gary Casey, president and CEO of BIPAC. “Your practical real world experience will be invaluable in finding economic solutions to grow our economy and foster economic prosperity.”
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posticon Town to Establish Fireworks Permit

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fireworks_120After someone complained about a fireworks display at a wedding held at Lansing's John Joseph Inn this summer, the town was visited by the New York State Department of Labor.  A new state law that came into effect at the beginning of this year requires municipalities that allow fireworks within their borders are now required to issue permits when a qualified application is submitted. 

"This is a new law that came into effect at the first of the year that nobody really knew about," says Lansing Engineering and Planning Coordinator Jeff Overstrom.  "Prior to this the pyrotechnician checked in with the Sheriff's department and the fire department to make sure they met all the public safety requirements.  They would check his qualifications, and away they would go.  Up until now if anyone called here to ask, that's what I'd tell them."
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posticon 2011 Fire Budget Set

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fd_hose120Fire commissioners approved a tentative $1,290,070 budget for 2011 Tuesday at their regular meeting.  Despite a tax base that went down from $1,350,941,973 last year to $1,316,397,592 this year, officials say the tax rate will not change, remaining at 98 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value. 

"Some of the other places raised their budget," said Fire Commission Chair Robert Wagner.  "We'll keep ours the same."
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