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posticon Driver Dies in Village of Lansing Accident

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The Tompkins County Sheriff's Office responded at about 2:35pm Tuesday to the area of North Triphammer Road near Horizon Drive in the Village of Lansing for a motor vehicle crash. Upon arrival, Deputies determined that a Honda Sedan was traveling south on North Triphammer Road and swerved into the northbound lane for an unknown reason. The Honda struck a 2012 Blue Dodge Ram traveling north head on.

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posticon State Sues Feds -- Governor Meets With President

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Attorney General Letitia James has filed a lawsuit against the Trump Administration over a new federal policy that prohibits New Yorkers from enrolling or re-enrolling in the federal government's Trusted Traveler Programs. The suit, filed against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the two agencies' acting-leaders, argues that the policy change is arbitrary and poses a threat to New Yorkers' safety and the State's economy, directly harms hundreds of thousands of individual residents, and interferes with New York's rights as a sovereign state.

"This is political retribution, plain and simple, and while the president may want to punish New York for standing up to his xenophobic policies, we will not back down," said James. "We plan to take legal action and sue the Trump Administration for its unfair targeting of New York State residents. This new policy will negatively impact travelers, workers, commerce, and our economy, so we will fight the president's shortsighted crusade against his former home. We will not allow New Yorkers to be targeted or bullied by an authoritarian thug."

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posticon Small Farm Disaster Recovery Grant Program Bill Advances

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Senator Pam Helming announced that a bill she sponsors to establish a small farm disaster recovery grant program has advanced through the Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture with unanimous support. The proposed legislation would provide financial relief to small farms that have been affected by natural disasters. The Committee approved the bill and it will now be sent to the Finance Committee. This bill is sponsored by Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara and is in the Assembly's Committee on Agriculture.

"Flash flooding and other natural disasters have hit the Wayne-Finger Lakes Region and many other parts of our state in recent years. These are perfect examples of why we need this legislation. When disaster strikes, our communities are damaged and our farmers are severely impacted. To get back on their feet, our small farmers need assistance and this legislation would offer just that. I thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for supporting this legislation in committee and I look forward to working with them to continue moving this legislation ahead," Senator Helming said.

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posticon Hospice Act Passes House Ways And Means Committee

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Washington, DC - The bipartisan Helping Our Senior Population in Comfort Environments (HOSPICE) Act, introduced by Reps. Tom Reed (R-NY-23) and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA-20) unanimously passed the Ways and Means Committee Wednesday, recommending the legislation for a vote in the full U.S. House of Representatives.

"When my mother became sick, there was nothing I wouldn’t have done to cure her, but she taught me that what truly mattered to her was comfort and time spent with her family. Surrounded by a wonderful team of hospice care providers, we watched as her wishes were met. However, we must hold bad actors in the caregiver community accountable, and I am proud to see this legislation to demand additional oversight and transparency of Medicare hospice providers advance toward the House floor," said Reed.

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posticon Democrats Announce to Fill Lifton Assembly Seat

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Lifton, Leifer, MurtaghBarbara Lifton, Jason Leifer (center), Seph Murtagh

NYS Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton announced last Friday she will not run for a new term representing District 125 (125AD, Tompkins/Cortland).  On Sunday Dryden Town Supervisor Jason Leifer (D) and City of Ithaca Common Councilman (2nd Ward) Seph Murtagh (D) both announced that they will seek election to Lifton's Assembly seat.  Lifton made her announcement in Dryden last Friday, focusing on her efforts to protect voting rights, to guarantee safer home births for midwives, and the fracking battle that resulted in a permanent ban in New York State.

"Wherever I go in this two-county district, all of Tompkins and much of Cortland County," said Assemblywoman Lifton, "people have been very kind and encouraging, and I appreciate it greatly.  Honestly, I've had to wrestle with this decision, because critical work remains on climate and education and health care, among other issues about which I care deeply. But that will always be the case, I know, that important work remains, and I decided that the time has come for me to put down this work."

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posticon Village of Lansing Becomes Entirely Debt Free

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Village of lansing

The Village of Lansing is officially debt free.  Village Clerk/Treasurer Jodi Dake told the Village Trustees Monday that the final $13,500 payment on the Village's only outstanding debt has been paid.  While both the Village and Town of Lansing have no general municipal budget debt, the Village is now in the enviable position of having no debt for sewer and water as well.

"We borrowed money 34 years ago for a sewer bond and we finally paid it off," Dake said. "So that's exciting. So the Village has no debt, which is not like most municipalities."

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posticon Village Water Lines Need Repair

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Village Water

Village of Lansing Trustees voted Monday to increase water rates to $8.11 per thousand gallons.  The increase reflects rises in both the payment to Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (Bolton Point) and to the Village itself.  Deputy Mayor Ronny Hardaway said that water lines in the Village are failing at an increasingly greater rate and funds need to be put aside to repair and replace them.

"John (Superintendent of Public Works John Courtney) and his crew have noticed within the last couple of years that we are getting more and more line breaks where the water lines are very old," Hardaway said. "A lot of them are reaching the end of their life cycle and we're going to have to continue with those repairs as they happen and also plan for replacing the water lines in areas before you have a complete failure of that line. So that was why he suggested that we raise it a little bit and I think it's good planning. It's good for the village and it'll be good for our citizens."

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posticon County Legislators Fail to Choose Chair for 3rd Time

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For the third straight meeting, Tompkins County Legislators were unable to reach a consensus on who should lead the body in 2020. Neither Legislator Mike Lane of Dryden nor Anna Kelles of Ithaca, both Democrats, were able to secure the eight votes necessary to become Chair (Legislator Leslyn McBean- Clairborne was excused).

Voting in favor of Legislator Lane were Legislators Shawna Black, Amanda Champion, Deborah Dawson, Henry Granison, Dan Klein, Anne Koreman and Mike Lane. Legislator Kelles received votes from Legislators Rich John, Martha Robertson, Anna Kelles and the three Republicans on the Legislature - Dave McKenna, Glenn Morey, and Mike Sigler.

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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Public Health Director Gives Update on 2019 Novel Coronavirus
The County’s Public Health Director Frank Kruppa briefed the Legislature on the coronavirus outbreak. There have been 11 confirmed cases in the United States, but none in New York State to date. Kruppa emphasized there is a low risk of exposure for Tompkins County residents and visitors at this time. The Health Department has evaluated one individual who meets the person under investigation (PUI) criteria for the coronavirus. That individual – a Cornell student – is being isolated and monitored, and samples were sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for testing.

The Health Department will be notified of any travelers returning from China to Tompkins County.

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posticon Helming and Colleagues Host Repeal Bail Reform Rally

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helming Repeal Bail Reform Rally

Albany - Senator Pam Helming participated in a rally with her Senate and Assembly Republican colleagues, law enforcement officials and district attorneys across the state this week calling for a repeal of recently enacted bail reform laws.

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posticon Cuomo Reaffirms LGBTQ Rights

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Speaking at the Human Rights Campaign Greater New York Gala, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced he will name the first New York State park after an LGBTQ person. He will direct the State Parks Commissioner to rename East River State Park — located in Brooklyn — after Marsha P. Johnson, a pioneer of the LGBTQ rights movement and a transgender woman of color.

In his remarks, the Governor also reaffirmed New York's nation-leading support for the LGBTQ community and condemned hate crimes and discriminatory policies targeting LGBTQ people. Cuomo also renewed his call to end New York's harmful and antiquated ban on gestational surrogacy to help LGBTQ couples and people struggling with fertility form families. The Governor included a measure in this year's Executive Budget that would legalize the practice, which is allowed in some form in 47 other states.

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posticon County Issues Updated Coronavirus Advisory

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The Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) has evaluated an individual who meets the person under investigation (PUI) criteria for the 2019 novel coronavirus. The individual is currently being isolated and monitored, samples were sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for testing, and a contact investigation has begun. Risk of exposure to the 2019 novel coronavirus for Tompkins County residents and visitors remains low.

TCHD continues to work with local medical providers including Cornell Health, Ithaca College Health Center and Cayuga Medical Center, to protect the health and well-being of our community. Guidance from the NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the CDC is informing our process for prevention and response.

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posticon $14.2 Million For Modernizing And Enhancing Public Transportation

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced Tuesday that $14.2 million has been awarded to 13 counties, cities and regional authorities to modernize and enhance municipally sponsored public transportation services. Included in the awards is $405,000 to purchase a a clean fuel electric bus in Tompkins County.

This State-funded initiative, which is part of a larger $435 million five-year commitment to upstate and downstate suburban services, will enhance consumer convenience through the modernization of bus shelters; deployment of new contactless fare collection systems; and procurement of new, accessible clean-fuel vehicles.

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