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posticon State Protects Veterans From Scammers

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation (S.4807/A.6292) last Friday to protect veterans from scammers and unscrupulous businesses who attempt to sell unneeded financial products or services to veterans to earn a commission or fee. The Pension Poaching Prevention Act prohibits any entity from receiving compensation for helping veterans and their dependents prepare a claim for benefits services that the entity is not authorized to provide, except as allowed under the United States Department of Veterans Affairs standards. The bill will take effect 120 days after becoming law.

"Our veterans bravely put their lives on the line to protect our country and our freedoms, and we owe it to them to help ensure they have the protections and resources they need to be financially stable in the future," Cuomo said. "There are plenty of business that legitimately assist veterans and their families. However, there are far too many bad actors who prey upon the individuals who have valiantly served our state and our nation, causing irreparable financial harm. In enacting the strongest state legislation in the nation to protect our veterans and their families from these pension poaching schemes, we are sending a clear message to these unscrupulous entities that we will not allow them to abuse our service members and recognizing the sacrifice these brave men and women have made."

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posticon Reed Sics DOJ on Cuomo Over I-90 Safety

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Buffalo, NY - Congressman Tom Reed called for a DOJ investigation Tuesday into New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in a letter to U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr.

"I am concerned for the safety of the traveling public along the stretch of Interstate 90 which runs through the Seneca Nation," Reed said in the letter. "From the public's view, this appears to be nothing more than the Governor exacting political revenge on the Seneca Nation at the peril of public safety. The federal funds have been delivered to repair the road, and it is time to fix the road before someone dies. Given this information, I kindly request the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the Governor and his office for the misuse of federal funds, the abuse of power and any and all other federal crimes, related or unrelated, uncovered in this investigation."

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posticon Marijuana Decriminalization Law Now In Effect

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation (S.6579A/A.8420) last month further decriminalizing marijuana use in New York State. Cuomo said New York's existing marijuana laws disproportionately affect African American and Latino communities, and this legislation will address those racial and ethnic disparities by reducing the penalty for unlawful possession of marijuana to a violation punishable by a fine, and by creating a process for individuals who have been convicted for possessing small amounts of marijuana to have their records expunged. The law went into effect Wednesday morning.

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posticon Reed Plans for Sustainable Social Security

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Reed on Social Security

Social Security has been on Congressman Tom Reed's (R-NY 23rd District, which includes Tompkins County) radar for many years.  In 2015 he co-sponsored an amendment would protect the Social Security Trust Fund from being raided in order to bail out the Social Security Disability Insurance Trust Fund.  A year ago he addressed a report warning that Medicare and Social Security was expected to run out of money by 2026 and 2034.  This January Reed became the Republican Leader (Ranking Member) of the Social Security Subcommittee on the House Ways and Means Committee, working with Subcommittee Chairman Congressman John Larson (D-CT), and nine other congress members (six Democrats and three Republicans).  While Reed was in Ithaca Wednesday to highlight local business he took a few moments to talk to the Lansing Star about the current state of and future of Social Security.

"The commitment of Social Security is something I believe in," Reed said. "It's such a great program.  Being raised by a single mom when my father passed away, it was the Social Security check and the death benefit check that got us through.  So we've been there.  Social Security is something that needs to stay with us as a nation.  I'm glad to have a partner in John Larson on the Democratic side, who is sincere about saving Social Security and finding common ground to get this done so that we can look back and say this was the right thing and we did it at the right time."

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posticon New Law Allows Domestic Violence Victims To Terminate Contracts Without Penalty

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation (A.5318/S.2356) Wednesday requiring companies to allow victims of domestic violence, who are fleeing their batterers and have received an order of protection, to terminate their multi-year or bundled contract with a telephone or cable or satellite company at a location they have fled without penalty.

"Survivors of domestic violence should not have to handle the added stress and red tape that comes with contract termination penalties," Cuomo said. "When leaving an abusive environment, a clean break is critical and in New York we will give survivors the resources they need to move onto the next chapter of their lives."

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posticon Village of Lansing Debates Airbnb Activities

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Village Debates Airbnb Scope

Airbnb started when its founders rented air mattresses in the living room in their own apartment to strangers who needed a place to stay at a time when hotels were filled.  Since that time the idea has skyrocketed with Airbnb valued by Forbes magazine last year at $381 billion.  The profits are a lot more modest for local homeowners who want to make extra cash by renting their homes, or portions of them.  But for some people it is a lucrative business.  This is where business uses come head to head with residential zoning, and one such conflict has escalated in the Village of Lansing to the point where village officials are talking about changing their zoning ordinance to specifically regulate Airbnb-type situations.

The issue came to a head Tuesday when the Village Planning Board held a public hearing on a request for a special permit to allow Valerie and Amy Friend to rent their home for small group events.  The board had already heard complaints on at least two occasions from neighbors Sean Dolloway and Mary Hudson, who say that the home is already being used for events and that unruly guests have created hardships for them in their homes, and fear their property values will suffer if the Village allows events there.

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posticon Planning Needed For Billions In State Infrastructure Spending

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New York state expects to spend an average of $13.4 billion in each of the next five years on capital projects, but would benefit from a more comprehensive assessment of its capital assets and needs, according to a report released today by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

"Investment in roads, bridges, water and sewer systems, schools and other infrastructure is essential to New York's economy and its quality of life," DiNapoli said. "Effective planning will help ensure that public resources are put to good use and that critical assets are well-maintained. New York needs to develop a better strategy and a clear roadmap for its infrastructure investments."

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posticon Health Dept Seeks Information About A Dog To Rule Out Rabies

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The Tompkins County Health Department must locate a dog that bit a person at the Ithaca Dog Park on Taughannock Boulevard in the City of Ithaca. The bite occurred on Tuesday, August 27, 2019, at approximately 3:30 PM.

The dog is described as a short-haired, Shepherd-type puppy or young dog, with blond and brown streaked fur (brindle) and ears that stand up. The dog was accompanied by a slender young man, with light blond and black hair, wearing a Cayuga Dog Rescue t-shirt and a woman with bright red dyed hair. The couple was driving a gold or champagne-colored Toyota Highlander.

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posticon Mine Conducting Seismic Testing in Lake

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Lansing Cargill Salt Mine

Five protestors paddled near Cargill Salt Mine in kayaks and a pontoon boat on Cayuga Lake Tuesday to demonstrate against the mine and a seismic testing vessel that has been operating since August 8th.  But mine officials said that the testing is a standard procedure.

"As part of Cargill’s standard salt mining operations, every few years we commission a third party expert to conduct a seismic study on portions of Cayuga lake," said Mine Manager Shawn Wilczynski. "The study uses sound waves to map the subsurface geology. It’s common practice in mining to verify geology above and around mining operations. We anticipate the study to be completed by the end of the week."

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posticon Improved Access for Seniors in Proposed Legislation

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Senator Pam Helming announced Monday that she has introduced legislation to modernize the Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) Program's application system. The EPIC Program is a New York State program that provides seniors with co-payment assistance and Medicare Part D covered prescription drug costs. Specifically, this legislation (S.6646) authorizes and directs the Commissioner of Health to establish an electronic online system for registration into the EPIC Program.

Currently, to apply for the EPIC Program, a beneficiary or their agent must submit a completed application via fax or postal mail. This creates a challenge for individuals who do not have access to a fax machine or who would prefer to file online and be able to confirm receipt of their application. This legislation allows participants to continue to apply through these means, but also provides the option for an online application. Helming collaborated with Brian Doyle, President & CEO of CareValue, Inc., (CareValue) of Canandaigua, NY to author this legislation. Doyle is a leading authority on senior citizen insurance access and management. CareValue has been a strong supporter of innovation and has been making great strides in modernizing this industry.

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posticon 20 NYS Municipalities Close To Exceeding Tax Limits

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The number of cities, counties and villages in New York that are close to reaching their Constitutional Tax Limit (CTL) has more than doubled since 2012, according to a report released Tuesday by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.  The CTL is the maximum amount of real property tax a local government can raise in a single year. In 2012, only seven municipalities had used 80 percent or more of their CTL. By 2018, that number had risen to 20, with ten municipalities exhausting more than 90 percent of their CTL. When CTL is exceeded, the State Comptroller is required to withhold state aid in the amount of the excess.

"These 20 local governments are in a challenging financial position and have no room for error," said DiNapoli. "The municipalities in danger of exceeding their Constitutional Tax Limit must be vigilant about their short- and long-term budgeting. It is critical they take steps to improve their position."

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posticon NYS Marriage License Fees For Active Duty Members Waived

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation (S.3756/A.55) Tuesday waiving the state fee for marriage licenses for active duty members of the U.S. armed forces or their spouses. The bill also gives local governments freedom to waive the fees they charge for marriage certificates for active duty service members or spouses.

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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Public Safety Building Conditions Assessment Approved
The Legislature authorized the County to move ahead with a Conditions and Program Needs Assessment of the Tompkins County Public Safety Building, by unanimous vote authorizing the County to contract with LaBella Associates and allocate $74,000 from the Contingent Fund to support the study, services to be billed per hour at a cost not to exceed the $74,000 amount.

The study will evaluate architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, life safety, and security and control systems; investigate feasibility for carbon mitigation; assess the facility's below-grade sanitary sewer piping; and review and identify any suspect regulated building materials. Public Safety Committee Chair Rich John noted that the idea is to look at the building's present condition and seek to determine a direction on whether existing facilities should be upgraded or whether to construct a new building.

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