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posticon Town Updates Public on Gun Club Progress

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Lansing Rod and Gun Club

A few Ludlowville residents were at the Lansingville Fire Station for an update at Wednesday's Town Board meeting on the Lansing Rod and Gun Club's progress on a project that may move current shooting ranges to a new location on gun club property.  Residents and town officials were frustrated by the lack of information, and nobody spoke in behalf of the club.  Lansing Town Supervisor Ed LaVigne said that the Town had issued a Stop Order after it was found that the club was clearing over an acre of land.  The club may continue the work if a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is accepted by the Town.

"Right now the SWPPP is at the (Town) engineer's office and he is looking at it," LaVigne said. "Nothing is going to happen until that is looked at and sent back to the Town."

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posticon National Domestic Violence Awareness Month Observed

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Once again in October we commemorate National Domestic Violence Awareness month [NDVAM], a time for law enforcement agencies, victim assistance organizations and community leaders to work jointly in generating greater public awareness about domestic violence, prevention strategies and effective responses for victims. It serves as a reminder that communities must speak out in a unified voice to combat domestic violence and to challenge all people in America to support programs that can end this nationwide epidemic.

According to the United States Department of Justice 1.3 million women and men have been victims of domestic violence in the past year. Eliminating domestic violence requires collaborative prevention and response efforts from criminal justice professionals, victim service providers, prosecutors, health care providers, educators, elected officials, etc...

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posticon Sheriff's Department Not Liable For Hornbrook Road Damages

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A case against the Tompkins County Sheriff's Department for 'excessive and overwhelming force' and negligence in coordinating other law enforcement agencies has been dismissed. A motion for summary judgement submitted by attorneys for the Sheriff's Department was granted by New York State 6th Judicial District Supreme Court justice Molly Reynolds Fitzgerald on September 12th.

"The plaintiffs in this case certainly had their property destroyed or taken by the defendants," Fitzgerald wrote in her court decision. "They were the owners and landlords of the property. Their tenant engaged in threatening acts which caused the defendants through proper use of their police powers to seize the property, and as such no compensation must be paid, Northen Pac. Ry. Co v State of Minnesota, 208 US 583 (1908). Defendants motion for summary judgement is granted and the complaint is dismissed."

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posticon Legislation Protects Barbershops, Salons Against Theft Of Services

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation (S.6343-A/A.10574) Wednesday to protect barbershop, beauty shop and salon service providers against individuals who steal their services. The bill closes a loophole in the law to include the failure to pay for services provided by a barbershop, salon, or beauty shop. The new law will make it a class A misdemeanor.

"Beauty salons and barber shops are no different than other small businesses whose livelihoods depend on the support of their communities," Cuomo said. "This legislation closes a nonsensical loophole that gives these businesses equal protection under the law once and for all."

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posticon Medical Marijuana OKed for Pain

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Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation (S8987A/A 11011-B) Monday that adds acute pain management to the list of conditions for which medical marijuana can be recommended as an alternative to opioid use. The bill will also allow for substance use disorder treatment providers to recommend medical marijuana to help patients manage underlying pain that contributes to the abuse of substances such as opioids.

"In this battle against the opioid epidemic, it is critical that we use every means at our disposal to prevent the unnecessary prescription of these dangerous and addictive painkillers," Cuomo said. "Adding these conditions to the list of those approved for management with medical marijuana will help reduce the risk of addiction and provide suffering New Yorkers the relief they need."

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posticon State Must Make Progress On Water Contaminant Monitoring

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The state Department of Health (DOH) should continue to improve how it informs the public of potential hazards in public drinking water systems and ensure proper actions are being taken to protect residents, according to an audit released today by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

"Safe drinking water is a basic need and, as we learned in the wake of widespread problems in Hoosick Falls and Newburgh, the state must step up its efforts to protect New Yorkers from harmful contaminants," DiNapoli said. "Our auditors found the state should redouble its efforts to monitor emerging contaminants in New York's drinking water, notify the public when there are problems and ensure that when contamination of water occurs it is addressed."

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posticon County Legislature Highlights

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Legislature Approves Contract and Funding for Homeless Housing Services
The Legislature has authorized Tompkins County to contract with St. John's Community Services to provide homeless housing services in Tompkins County, authorizing the Department of Social Services to execute contracts with the agency for operation of the county's day drop-in center (the Friendship Center) and the emergency homeless shelter program. The vote was 12-1, with Legislator Henry Granison voting no (Chair Martha Robertson was excused.) The Legislature authorized allocation of $117,753 in Contingency funding to cover the additional net local cost associated with the first two months of the agreement, including $89,250 for start-up expenses. The new homeless housing services contract will also require an amendment to the 2019 Recommended Budget, to accommodate a $300,000 increase in local funding for homeless housing services.

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posticon Reed Legislative Priorities Included in Government Funding Bill

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Washington, DC - Congressman Tom Reed announced his legislative priorities yesterday, including a 2.6 percent increase in pay for our troops, increase in aid for college students and $6.7 billion to address opioid and heroin abuse were, included in yesterdays passed government funding bill.

"Drug abuse affects every neighborhood in New York and has robbed countless individuals of their full potential," Reed said. "We care about those struggling with heroin and other forms of opioids and are proud to ensure our communities have increased funding to address this crisis. Additionally, it was very important to us that our troops get a pay bump and our college students receive more aid as college costs keep skyrocketing,"

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posticon Addressing School Bullying as a Community

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Lansing School District

Lansing Superintendent of Schools Chris Pettograsso updated the Board of Education Wednesday on measures being taken to address bullying, and social and emotional learning (SEL) initiatives.  Pettograsso said the issue has been under review, even before parent Beth Hogan Callister told the board two weeks ago that existing anti-bullying measures in the Lansing schools are ineffective.  Pettograsso and School Board President Christine Iacobucci had met with Callister earlier Wednesday, to listen and fill her in on measures being taken.

"I'd like to thank Beth for coming and spending the time today with Dr. Iacobucci and I," Pettograsso said. "It's nice to see the community and families coming together to find solutions.  The clear message is that this is not a school issue.  This is not a family issue.  This is a community issue for which we have to come together to address it in all facets."

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posticon 5MW Community Solar Farm Proposed in Lansing

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Nexamp Community Solar Farm Proposed

The Lansing Planning Board considered a sketch plan application for a new 5MW, 24 acre solar array project Monday, proposed for a site on Jerry Smith Road in Lansing.  According to Nexamp New York Project Developer Joe Fiori the project will offer discounted renewable energy to residents of Tompkins County and surrounding communities.  Nexamp is a northeast solar development company, with projects in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and New York State. 

"All of these projects are Community Solar projects," Fiori said. "The electricity that we generate is sold to any resident or small business that chooses to participate.  Fiori said participants pay about 10% less for electricity generated by his company."

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posticon Farmers Ask For Fireworks Ban in Ag Zone

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Fireworks in Ag Zone

Local farmers protested the use of fireworks at a new wedding venue that has been proposed a Dutch Harvest Farm in the north of Lansing off of Ridge Road.  Neighbors expressed concerns about noise and traffic at a public hearing two weeks ago, but farmers at Monday's Planning Board meeting said at that because of the 'startle effect' in livestock fireworks would pose a safety hazard for animals and people alike.  Next door neighbor Abigail Gilson said that fireworks should be prohibited in the entire agriculture zone, which encompasses the northern half of Lansing.

"Due to the startle response in livestock, fireworks in particular are simply a health and safety issue," she told Planning Board members. "This is something that I would hope you would consider.  I am told you are working on a Town ordinance for the rural agricultural district.  It's extremely important any where in Lansing, not just this particular venue."

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posticon Comptroller Urges State To Improve Nursing Home Equipment Inspections

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The state Department of Health (DOH) should be doing more to insure that nursing homes are properly inspecting, maintaining and testing their medical equipment, according to an auditreleased today by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

"New York state is doing the bare minimum when it comes to inspecting life-saving equipment used at nursing homes," DiNapoli said. "The state Department of Health deserves credit for monitoring nursing homes and reporting deficient practices to the public. But this is New York, and we should be going above and beyond the minimum to make sure some of our most vulnerable residents are protected."

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posticon County Budget Presentation Summary as of 9/17

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In three sessions over the past two weeks, Legislators acting as an Expanded Budget Committee heard budget presentations from 20 more County departments and agencies, as they continued to review County Administrator Jason Molino's 2019 Recommended Budget.

The following departments and agencies have presented so far:
  • September 11: Tompkins County Public Library; Probation and Community Justice; Weights and Measures; Department of Planning and Sustainability; Tompkins County Area Development; the County Attorney; Tompkins Community Action
  • September 12: Information Technology Services; Highway; Human Resources; Finance: the Office for the Aging; Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit
  • September 17: Department of Social Services; Sheriff’s Office and Jail; Rural Libraries; Youth Services and Recreation Partnership; Assessment; Workforce Development Board and the Workforce NY Career Center.
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