- By Dan Veaner
- News

John A. LaVine is the chairman of the Village of Lansing Preservation Party, registered with the NYS Board of Elections on January 6th. LaVine is also running for one of the two Trustee seats on the Village Board. He has lived in the Village of Lansing on and off for fifteen years. LaVine is a state certified general real estate appraiser. His grown daughter lives in Washington, DC.
For 20 years LaVine was a committeeman in the 17th ward in the City of Syracuse. Several years ago he ran for County Legislator in Onondaga County. Originally his fiancé Tatyana Duval was to run for Village Trustee, on a platform of creating harmony in new developments to be achieved 'with consideration and support of the Village of Lansing community so our village would only flourish'. LaVine replaced her on the ticket after she fell ill.

Everybody seems to want to have a mantra. In the mantra of our party, what we really care about -- if there's a foundation for a house, which there should be, a good foundation, this is our foundation. It comes from the Village Comprehensive Plan:
"A Village Committed To Planned Development: The importance of our Village history cannot be overstated‐‐the Village of Lansing was founded for the sole purpose of creating a government that would adopt a zoning ordinance and regulate land use. It was the strong desire of residents to establish regulations to control planning and development and preserve the integrity of residential areas in the face of commercial expansion. The original purpose for the formation of the Village continues to provide the foundation for its current and future development. The Village government remains committed to careful development and strict zoning to manage land use and growth."

She wanted to live in a place that was quiet, that was clean, that was protected. When you are talking about 140 units, many of which are going to have three bedrooms, some are going to have two bedrooms, I understand. So there are going to be three cars per unit. There's only going to be one garage in each unit. They're all going to be jammed in there. It's going to increase the traffic tremendously. It's going to increase the transience of the neighborhood, the quiet of the neighborhood, the peacefulness of the neighborhood.
I have every right, and so does she, to protect our neighborhood against this. Anybody that says that we don't is wrong -- they're just plain wrong, in my opinion. They're deluded.
I know people say, oh well it's going to be good for certain entities. There was a guy around the corner on Triphammer Road that owns a bar. He said 'it's going to be great for my business'. I don't disagree -- there are winners and losers in everything. But we are going to be losers, in my opinion, so I think we, in this legal and logical manner, have the right, and she has the right... she was the one that asked me to help her with this. It wasn't my idea, but when she became ill I filled in for her and I helped her, because she was adamant against it, and I love her.
I don't like it either. Would I have done anything about it if it wasn't for her? Yes, maybe. When you love somebody you help them. You do as they ask. And that's what I'm doing.
If (Village Planning Board member) Deborah Dawson doesn't like it, or somebody like that doesn't like it, too bad. I'm not covering up the fact that the first order of business will be to repeal or reverse that decision. But there will be other orders of business.

And they're profligate. They had a village hall, and then they built this new one. It's not particularly any bigger than the new one. It just has higher ceilings.
We stand for more cooperation with the Town. At some point, maybe, if things seem to work out and everybody's comfortable with each other, as Governor Cuomo says, then we would consider more and more cooperation until we get to the point of (village) nonexistence, a merger.
We're going to work closely with Ed. Ed is a good guy. We've gotten to know each other. And Lisa Bonniwell, who is running for Mayor, has known him for years.
The Highgate part of the Village is on the other side of Route 13. That is almost symbiotic with Cayuga Heights. There is a place that could benefit from more cooperation with Cayuga Heights to be quite frank with you about it.
You've got to understand something: there are over 1,460 apartments in our village already. We are going to fight, not just for our neighborhood, but for all single family homes. If our village doesn't have enough apartments already then I don't know what does.
And we're going to work with the mall owner. There are rumors it may have changed hands. And there are rumors that they're going to de-mall it. That's a real estate term that means they tear the center of it out and build apartments there, too. It they're nice, classy apartments -- classy with maybe some restaurants on the first floor -- we want to work with them and make it easier for them to do that.
They recently got their assessment reduced (by $10 million). That hurts the Village, it hurts the Town... the County gets a little less money. We want to work with them. We want to work along the North Triphammer corridor and smooth the zoning out there a little bit. There are things we want to do, but we want to work more closely with the Town in a symbiotic way than this board.
This current board is in its own bubble. They've been there for so long and they're so entrenched that it is a political machine that feeds on itself and feeds itself.

I think some of their initiatives with small parks are OK. That little Horizon park with that small swimming pool, I think, is an understatement for that neighborhood. I think we could do a lot better with that. But some of the things they have done are admirable. It hasn't all been a nightmare.
We'd like to work with some of the apartment owners over on the other side of Route 13 to try to give them ways to fix up some of those apartments. We want to work with the apartment owners on Dart Drive, or go after them with code violations, because those apartment have turned into a travesty. It looks like some awful housing project someplace or other.
Because there are so many apartments we want to work harder with them, but at the end of the day our emphasis is going to be on preserving the village's one-family housing structure. That's where we're coming from. We will not sacrifice that to anything or anybody.

We need to work along the North Triphammer corridor to try to figure out ways to make it look smoother and happier. They did a good job with the street lights and trees. So now we have to work with property owners and see if we can make it a little more pleasant.
We're not looking to build the Village out. We're looking to make the Village more user-friendly, more happy, more relaxed. We're not looking for more commercial development in the Village. We have enough. We're looking for the right kinds of development that serve and satisfy our single-family homeowners in the Village. We feel, at the end of the day, they're the ones who are being neglected. They're the ones that really make the Village a village.
If you walk away from them and just commercialize, build apartments, have gas stations and beauty parlors and haphazard development, it takes away from the heart of the Village, the soul of the Village, which is what the single-family people bring. These are the kinds of people you want around.
I carried petitions to get signatures to get us on the ballot, and I had this idea: let's go into these apartments and get lots of signatures, because everybody lives right next to each other. So it's winter time... I'm not a young guy any more. When I was in my young 20s I was a dynamo with this stuff!
I've got to be honest with you. I'd retired from politics when I came to live with my fiancé. I resigned from the Democratic committee -- I'm still a Democrat, but I'm not a committeeman any more. I didn't care about it any more until this happened. I have nothing to hide about it. I had no desire to run for office. Then when I became chairman of this party because my fiancé asked me to, I put the ticket together. And she was running on the ticket. I'm just here because it worked out that way.

I would be a bully pulpit. I would tell them what I think just like everybody else does. But over all my years experiencing school boards, they have a tendency to do what they want to do. I certainly could give them my advice, and I would work at that.
The idea of the Village being in the Lansing School District and not in the Ithaca School District -- as the years have gone by, the Lansing School District has gotten way better. At the same time the Ithaca School District decided to drive kids from parts of the Village all the way downtown to Beverly J. Martin, for some reason -- which, by the way, was the only school in the entire city that was on the State's 'bad school' list.

But philosophically the Preservation Party -- us -- are more kindred to the town philosophy, which is the environment, the non-commercialization, the protection of single family homes. If we had farms we would want to protect them, too, like the Town's Right To Farm law. So philosophically we are less likely to cause pollution, commercial activity... even the commercial activity we have, we want to work with them to make it happier to drive by.
I don't think there's a big rift between the two. The Village has over 1,450 apartments, so people who live in single-family homes are outnumbered by them. As I was going to tell you, when I walked through the apartments to get signatures I had the street sheets with me listing the voters... I knocked on a door and somebody opened it I'd say, "Is this person here?" They never purged the roles. That person hasn't been here for ten years.
So all these people are registered to vote in these places, and none of them are there any more!

It's a statutory system, because the State operates with equalization rates. Taxes are paid to the County, taxes are paid to the Town, and it's all worked out according to law and statutory issues. The Town just got a new supermarket down the on the corner, Lansing Market. So the Town gets a few more commercial uses, but most of the commercial use in the Town is in the Village.
Just like, if you go to Skaneateles, that village pays lots of taxes to the Town of Skaneateles. But there youo have a lot of huge houses that are on the lake. It's not as pronounced here. Here the Village and the Town is more rural. The Town is quite rural. It's just something that happens because it's the nature of the beast. The Village is an integral part of the Town. People in the Town come to the Village. They eat in the Village restaurants. They probably shop in the village supermarket and go to the village pharmacy. So it's all part of the same parcel.
I could look into it now, but as I sit here now... if anybody is profligate it is the Village itself. They built this nice new Village hall -- it looks like a train station. Then the Town offers to plow the roads and the Village goes out and buys a plow. Then they have to buy a garage to put it in and a place where they keep the salt.
If they were really concerned about all this we would look for ways to merge services with the Town. It could be purchasing... it could be all kinds of ways to save money for the Village, and also, maybe for the Town. This could all be worked out with more cooperation.

I want to get along. I want to be useful. I want to be honest. And I want people to access me, even if it's just for a barking dog next door. I'm doing this because I've done it all my life. And even though I wasn't going to do it, it's an act of love and service for me.