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Lansing's Advice Column

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Dear IMO,

I get very nervous this time of year when I see my neighbor’s dog left outside for long periods of time.  The cold, wind, and snow can’t be good for him or any animal.  What should pet owners do with their pets during this time of year? 


Dear Pat,

We humans are not the only ones who experience hardships with cold weather.  The SPCA always receives complaints about pet that are left outside in the cold.  Although they are equipped with their very own fur coats, dogs, cats, horses, and other animals can still suffer from frostbite, exposure, and dehydration when their water freezes. 

More animals are lost during the winter months than any other season. Pet owners who keep their animals inside ought to take special care with them during the winter months especially when they let them out to do their “business.”  Don’t allow your dog or cat to roam freely outdoors.  Cats often climb under hoods of cars to be near warm engines and are badly injured when the car is started.  If you have an outdoor cat or live near one, simply pound on the hood of your car before you start it as a precaution.  When they come back inside, wipe off their paws and underbellies to remove road salts and over de-icing substances.

Animals that are left outside should be given an increase in daily amount of food because they are burning more calories to keep warm.  Remember to keep their water from freezing as well by frequently refilling their water bowl with lukewarm water from the tap.  If your animal is an outdoor one make sure the dwelling is made of wood and has a thick layer of straw for bedding.  Rugs, blankets, sawdust and other materials can get wet and freeze. 

Finally, keep an eye out for those strays and unattended animals and report any abuse to SPCA.  As Yukon Cornelius of Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer fame stated so eloquently, “This weather isn’t fit for man nor beast.” 

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