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Lansing's Advice Column

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Dear IMO,

I have been following the primaries with great interest. I have my own candidate in mind, and am very vocal when talking about him with friends. At work, my cubical is decorated with his photo and a campaign bumper sticker. Everyone knows where I stand, but some of my co-workers think my enthusiasm is a bit much. My boss hasn't said anything about the political discussions at the office, so I haven't toned it down. Should I be worried? Are my co-workers right?


Dear Jill,

Enthusiasm is a great motivator and often has positive results. Whether or not you are over the top in discussing politics at work is a matter of office policy. If, as you have stated, your boss has not said anything to you, that may be a good sign. But to be on the safe side, you ought to ask your boss what is the company/office policy concerning political campaigns and associated discussions.

Many of IMO's neighbors support their candidate of choice by placing political signs in their front yards and bumper stickers on their cars. Some of them attend political rallies, engage in protests and marches, while others sit at their computer and voice their opinion in the blogosphere.

Some managers wholeheartedly endorse the grass roots involvement and are pleased to see the level of enthusiasm that you display. Others will give stern warnings to their employees to leave their politics out of the office. It would be in your best interest to get the official policy on political campaigning in your office and follow it.


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