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Aurora, New York - The Wells College Theatre Department proudly presents Shakespeare's Twelfth Night as this fall's student drama production. The performance will be featured on Friday, October 19 and Saturday, October 20 at 7:30 p.m. in Phipps Auditorium, Macmillan Hall. There will also be a 2:00 matinee on Sunday, October 21. Prices are $3 for students and children, $5 for senior citizens and the Wells community, and $7 for the general public. Tickets are available from the box office the week preceding the show, and at the door the night of the performance. Please call 315/364-3456 to reserve.

Shakespeare's Twelfth Night or What You Will is the quintessential gender-bending romantic comedy. A love triangle of epic proportions is set into motion when fraternal twins Viola and Sebastian are victims of a shipwreck and both are left to believe the other is dead. Viola washes up on the shore of the mythical land of Illyria where she assumes the role of a eunuch named Cesario and enters the service of Duke Orsino. Viola soon falls for her benefactor, but his sights are set on the beautiful Countess Olivia, to whom he sends Cesario with a plea for her affections. The ploy works and Olivia does indeed fall in love-with the disguised Viola. From there further confusion and hilarity ensue, mostly due to Olivia's house full of foolish pranksters and their victims.

Several Wells College students play lead roles: June Lesney '08 is the obstinate Olivia; Zach Dickie '11 portrays Orsino; Viola, disguised as the man Cesario, is played by Sarah Bonawitz '11; Viola's brother Sebastian is played by Ryan Addario '10. Lindsey Cahoon '09 is Feste the Fool. Additional students are cast in supporting roles and make up the crew.

Costume design is by adjunct professor Bobbie Kolpakas. Natalie Kemper '10 serves as assistant director, and lights and set design were produced by Wells technical director Joe DeForest.

Twelfth Night is directed by Assistant Professor of Theatre Siouxsie Grady. Ms. Grady received a B.A. in speech/theatre from the University of Montevallo (Alabama); an M.Ed. in drama from the University of North Carolina - Greensboro; and an M.F.A. in interdisciplinary arts from Goddard College. She was visiting assistant professor of theatre at Wells from 2003 to 2006, and has had professional teaching, acting, and directing experience at the Hangar Theatre in Ithaca; The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem, N.C.; Seattle Children's Theatre; and the Georgia Shakespeare Festival in Atlanta.

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