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hanna_rep_120Congressman Richard HannaWashington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna (R, C, I-Barneveld) today worked with the Small Business Committee to prepare legislation that will help promote American jobs and economic growth.

The cost-free legislation, H.R. 1425, the “Creating Jobs Through Small Business innovation Act of 2011,” will reauthorize two programs: the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR).

Both programs are widely supported and recognized as important engines of innovation.  The SBIR and the STTR programs offer competition-based awards to stimulate technological innovation among small private-sector businesses while providing government agencies new, cost-effective, technical and scientific solutions to meet their diverse needs, without extra federal spending.

“These programs will help small businesses create jobs and produce new scientific solutions through research and development,” Hanna said. “No additional federal spending is necessary for these programs, and there is strong bipartisan support for this legislation because all sides can agree that growing jobs and improving the economy is paramount.”

“I am proud to co-sponsor this legislation and will work to make sure it is passed by Congress and signed into law as soon as possible,” he said.  “Upstate New York entrepreneurs and job-seekers in our community stand to benefit from these programs.”

Today, Hanna participated in a Small Business Committee markup of H.R. 1425, meaning the committee reviews the legislation prior to sending it to the House floor for a vote.

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