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patpryorPat Pryor, Tompkins County Legislator, announced that she is running for re-election to the County Legislature from District 6.  The district includes the Town of Lansing with the exceptions of the Village of Lansing and Lansing District 8 near the Town of Groton.

“Legislators, working with county staff, have worked hard during the recent recession to find creative ways of doing more with less,” Pryor stated in her announcement.  “We’ve reduced staffing, examined programs for efficiency, frozen wages, and consolidated and eliminated when necessary.  Our best efforts to manage resources will continue to be needed even as the general economy slowly improves.  I will work to maintain the leaner, more efficient operations instituted during the recession and believe my experience will allow me to maintain a balance between the real human needs of residents and the need for accountability in how taxpayer dollars are spent.”

Since 2010 Pryor has chaired the Special Committee on Broadband. Grant funding was obtained to conduct a county-wide survey of broadband Internet needs in our rural communities.  Under Pryor’s leadership a partnership formed with local wireless Internet provider Clarity Connect successfully competed for $2.2 million in state funding to extend broadband Internet service to communities in Tompkins and Cayuga Counties.

Additionally, Pryor has served on the Planning, Development and Environmental Quality committee and the Government Operations committee, which she presently chairs.  She is the County Liaison to the Ag and Farmland Protection Board, the Public Information Advisory Board, and the Office for the Aging Advisory Board.  She served a year as the representative to the Fish and Wildlife Management Board.  She is a member of the Soil and Water Conservation District Board and the Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

“Lansing is a wonderful community,” Pryor told supporters.  “It is an honor to serve as your County Representative, and if re-elected, I will continue to commit all of my time and energy to serving you well.”

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