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mailman There are three characteristics I feel are important in being the town clerk of Lansing:

  1. Competent. Debbie Munson has served Lansing as deputy town clerk and now as your town clerk in an efficient, professional and cost-effective manner. Why change?
  2. Community Oriented: Debbie Munson has been involved with the Lansing Community for over forty years and brings the sense of community to serving our town residents as your town clerk. Why change?
  3. Continuity: Debbie Munson had served as your deputy town clerk and became your town clerk with a quiet, calm and respectful transition. Why change?

There should be no politics in choosing Lansing’s next  town clerk. Debbie Munson embodies Competence, Community and Continuity.

Why change? Please vote for Debbie Munson on November 8th..

Thank you
Ed LaVigne
Lansing Town Supervisor
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