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mailmanI enthusiastically support Joseph Wetmore and Walaa Maharem-Horan, both for Town Board, and Michael Koplinka-Loehr for Tompkins County Legislature, in the vote on Tuesday, November 7.

I have worked with Joe Wetmore, and appreciate his fresh, practical ideas such as how working with county groups, like Tompkins County Council of Governments, can help bring tangible benefits to Lansing. This could include helping to achieve cheaper, cleaner electricity, better emergency services, and getting money for Lansing that could help lower taxes.

I am happy that both Joe and Walaa have thrown their hats in the ring, and I am pleased to learn about Walaa's solid background in methodically setting up budgets with a view towards lowering local taxes. As a "senior citizen", I like her ideas for helping Lansing residents learn about area programs and services that can directly benefit them, such as FoodNet and Gadabout.

Mike Koplinka-Loehr is experienced, thoughtful, energetic, and a proven hard worker. When he is elected to the County Legislature as Lansing's representative, we will once again have a rep who will actively work on issues that benefit all of Lansing's citizens. He also knows how to get grant monies that will provide funding for achieving specific goals formulated by Lansing committees, such as the $10,000 donation for the Lansing Bicentennial Celebration group.

Please join me on Nov. 7 in voting for Joseph Wetmore and Walaa Maharem-Horan for Lansing Town Board, and for Mike Koplinka-Loehr for Tompkins County Legislature.

Donna Scott
Lansing, NY
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