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mailmanThe Tom Reed Trick: Tom Reed suggests volunteering at a hospice is evidence of his concern for people in need of health care, but his voting record shows otherwise. He notes that, "Without changes, healthcare costs, including Medicaid and Medicare will continue to balloon out of control and take a larger share of our budget."

It is clear that money is what drives Reed's position on health care. Reed's vote for the tax cut benefiting corporations has led to a Republican budget that guts funding for Medicare. Reed voted in 2017 for the ACHA, which would have cut Medicaid funding, eliminated protections for those with pre-existing conditions, and allowed insurers to put lifetime caps on the total coverage a sick person can receive.

Reed has a 0% rating by the Alliance for Retired Americans (August 21, 2018). RR Resource Recovery LLC is the second generation of Reed's law firm; it is a debt collection firm (that still employs his wife) specializing in medical debt. Health care is really about money, for Tom Reed.

The Tracy Mitrano Treat: Tracy supports single-payer health care, phased in to ease the costs while providing basic health coverage for all, regardless of pre-existing conditions, finally putting the US on par with other developed nations. She is dedicated to seeking lower prescription costs. Tracy is committed to maintaining Medicaid, Medicare, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) so they are able to serve vulnerable populations.

Trick or Treat? Your health is at stake in November. Replace Rotten Reed with a genuine treat, Tracy Mitrano.

Eileen Bach
Ithaca, NY

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