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mailmanThe data we currently have about pregnancy and COVID-19 is encouraging. The Cochrane database, a well-respected resource of reliable medical information, reports that a pregnant woman is no more susceptible to COVID-19 virus than anyone else; but, on the other hand, no less susceptible to coming down with it. The risk of severe illness appears to be the same as a non-pregnant woman. Continue to use social distancing, hand washing and all the other measures that are recommended.

Pregnancy outcomes seem to be minimally affected if one is mildly to moderately ill. However, severe illness does increase risk. In the 138 pregnancies reported, the baby’s birth weight was usually normal and, with rare exception, infection of the baby was not reported. (A second study of 38 women and babies published on March 24 confirms this). Of course, pregnancies and babies were still subject to the various troubles that can occur normally. For example, the information still shows the expected number of premature births and unfortunate outcomes. But, (so far) coronavirus is not showing itself to be a devastating issue except if you become severely ill.

Take all precautions against acquiring coronavirus. Advise your family and friends to do so as well and, if it you meet the criteria, get tested. Several international authorities are advising against people becoming pregnant until the coronavirus is past. A conversation with your personal physician is advised before planning a pregnancy. If you are already pregnant, as always, your obstetrical practitioner knows you best. Your health care should always be individualized.

Dr William Klepack
Medical Director
Tompkins County Health Department
April 15, 2020

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