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ImageAll across our State, hard-working New Yorkers are living under tight family budgets. With the challenges presented by today’s economy , these responsible citizens are careful not to overspend their financial limits. It is only fair, then, that our State government is held to the same standard of fiscal responsibility.

If New York State is to solve its deficit problems and recover from the recession, we must make sure that a spending binge- like the one that occurred in last April’s State budget- never happens again.

That is why I have been fighting for a real spending cap.  One that would force the State Legislature, the Governor and all of State government to eliminate unnecessary spending, waste and abuse.  I am sponsoring legislation (S.5916) in the State Senate that would establish a constitutionally required spending cap to limit all government spending in New York State to the rate of inflation.

When I cast my adamant vote against the 2009-10 State budget in April, I warned the Governor and the legislators from New York City that our State’s residents, especially those in Upstate, could not afford the outrageous $12 billion spending increase that was being adopted.   Now, just months after the budget’s adoption, the New York State Comptroller is predicting a budget deficit of nearly $4 billion this year.   Immediate and decisive action needs to be taken to cut government waste, remove government intrusion in our lives and restore common sense to our State government.

If the spending cap had been enacted last year, the New York City-controlled Legislature would not have been able to spend $ 12 billion more than it did the previous year and the resulting $ 8.5 billion in new taxes and fees would not have been needed.  It means that the increases that you have seen in virtually every fee that you pay to New York State - from your driver's license to new taxes and fees on recreational sports like hunting and fishing- could have been eliminated!  Simply put, it means that your hard-earned dollars would stay where they belong - in your hands!

Because Upstate New Yorkers cannot afford more taxes and spending, I have started a statewide online petition calling on Governor Paterson and Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith to support the spending cap legislation. If you agree that it's time to cut wasteful spending, fix the budget and stop spending growth once and for all, please go to my website and sign my online petition in support of the spending cap.

Constitutional spending limits have already been adopted by 23 states, while four have implemented tax limits and three have both.

Quite simply, we can no longer afford our government. Spending is out of control and must be restrained.  Every State agency can find and cut 5 pennies on the dollar in waste and mismanagement.  There’s no reason to raise taxes or cut vital services – we can continue to provide state funding for better healthcare and education for our children without more tax increases that are killing the Upstate economy.  To do this, we must end wasteful government spending.

It is essential that New York State’s government become more accountable and more efficient in planning for the future. Your family budget is more important than the New York City legislators’ wasteful spending programs. I encourage you to sign my petition and join the fight to restore fiscal responsibility to our State.

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