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Editor's Note: Pictures of the Ludlowville Union School are posted at .  I, for one, do not view Levy's idea as hairbrained.  I think it would be a crime if this Lansing landmark were left to deteriorate.
ImageI would like to clarify for the record that it was my hair-brained suggestion, made in jest to move the Ludlowville Schoolhouse to the new town center, not my husband's.  James Mason did suggest moving historic buildings when available and clustering them in the town center, but being more rational than I am, he did not suggest the schoolhouse. 

I was inspired by Ed Lavigne and the Lansing Community Association and suggested we might take the schoolhouse apart, number the pieces and reconstruct it.  I am also offering a support group for others who may be mourning the schoolhouse's demise: Friends of old Ludlowville Schoolhouse, or F.O.O.L.S; Fools for Schools? Call Stephanie Levy at The Federal House 533-7362

From: Stephanie Levy

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