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ToThePointLogoOur government has always been at its best when it comes down to domestic security. Throughout its 234 year history, the United States has performed Herculean efforts to protect its citizens from all enemies both domestic and foreign. From the Revolutionary War through our current War on Terror, our elected and appointed officials have established a safety net that rivals that of any world power.

In more recent times, from the 20th century onward, we have improved our strategy against those who wish to bring harm on our own soil. During World War I, we implemented measures that would guarantee our safety against any Germans, Italians, Austro-Hungarians, and Turks who might be wandering the streets of our towns and cities. Hamburgers became Swiss steak. Frankfurters were re-baptized as hotdogs. Only Hungarian Goulash and Turkish coffee escaped the watchful eye of our elected officials.

World War II saw a change in tactics. Our government decided to imprison certain groups of people based on ethnic origin. Japanese Americans were taken from their prosperous farms and businesses, robbed of their property and belongings and resettled in internment camps. Many years later, we admitted that some mistakes may have been made, but it was for the good of the country. The government paid those harmed by "law" a fraction of what they had lost during those years of imprisonment.

Joseph McCarthy launched his own scheme to ensure domestic safety with false accusations, show trials, and public hearings against actors, politicians, and ordinary citizens who appeared sympathetic to the Red Menace-Communism. Some lives were ruined, but thousands were spared as his paranoia and warped sense of patriotism led to self-destruction. Eventually, he was exposed as a fraud and a crackpot.

The Civil Rights movement combined with Vietnam War challenged our government in ways unimaginable. Troops had to be sent out against ordinary American citizens who wanted to be treated with respect, live without fear, and be afforded all the rights and guarantees spelled out in the Constitution. Hundreds of Civil Rights leaders and peace activists were placed on FBI watch lists and labeled as threats to our domestic security. Included in that list were Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Julian Bond.

With the tragic events of September 11, 2001, our nation entered into a new phase of protecting its citizens from terror. Initially, the public understood the heighten security measures and went along with the additional searches and long lines at airports. This acceptance seemed natural as the images of planes hitting the World Trade Center Buildings and their collapse became a rallying cry of "Never Again."

Nearly a decade later, and we find that the United States Government, in particular, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) claims they have nothing but the nation's safety in mind with the ever increasing level of security at our airports. They claim their measures are to protect US citizens from terrorist.

At first, we were made to remove our shoes for security purposes. Why, because a foreign individual, with ties to a known terrorist organization, boarded a plane in a foreign country with the intent of blowing up a plane en route to the United States using an explosive devise hidden in his shoe. So now everyone must take off their shoes, place them in a bin, and walk through a metal detection machine.

Then we were forbidden to pass through security with water, soda, coffee, or any beverage of choice? Why, because a foreign individual, with ties to a known terrorist organization, boarded a plane in a foreign country with the intent of blowing up a plane en route to the United States using a mixture of liquids in a bottle. So now everyone must discard their water, soda, and coffee before passing through security. If they wish, innocent American citizens may take 3oz or less of toiletries in a clear plastic bottle.

Now we must pass through a body scanner that reveals our nakedness on screen or endure a humiliating pat down that leaves no crevice or crack untouched. Why, because a foreign individual, with ties to a known terrorist organization, boarded a plane in a foreign country with the intent of blowing up a plane en route to the United States using an explosive devise hidden in his underwear.

Nine years after 9/11, the United States Government believes that 300 million Americans who are not a risk, whose names do not appear on "watch lists" and have never been part of any terror organization, are now considered potential terrorists.

Like criminals, we are now persons of interest, all of us. Can you imagine if this same logic applied to other aspects of our lives? Take those who have been convicted of drunk driving. Before they can start their car, they must blow into a special breathalyzer to determine whether they are sober. Or take those who are out of prison on parole and wear special ankle bracelets. How soon before all of us will have to take a breathalyzer or wear an ankle bracelet or endure some new invasive body search for the safety of our nation.

George Orwell predicted a society in which every aspect of life was controlled by the government in his book, 1984. "Freedom is Slavery. War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength." These are the rallying cries of the new utopia in Orwell's book. Three men attempt to commit an act of terror and 300,000,000 Americans must pay the price. Perhaps Orwell was not so far off in his prediction of America in the future. Let us hope that calmer minds will prevail. And that is to the point.


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