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dinapoli_120NYS Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoliOsama bin Laden’s death is justice at last.  New York suffered most from the bitter fruits of his evil, and today is cause for great celebration in the greatest city on earth.  Nearly 10 years after 9/11, there are 3,000 souls resting a little easier today.

The death of one twisted killer does not end the threat of al-Qaida.  Bin Laden’s vile message of hatred has taken root in many places around the world.  America, and particularly New York, must continue to be vigilant.  We must continue to remember and honor those murdered on 9/11 by working every day to protect New York from another cowardly terrorist attack.

The Administration’s commitment to bring bin Laden to justice has never wavered.  More importantly, the courage and dedication of our armed forces has been a constant source of pride for every American. Our military personnel – so many of whom are stationed right here in New York at Fort Drum or have graduated from West Point – have fought and sacrificed and often given their lives to pursue justice and protect our freedom. 

Today is a great day for our men and women in uniform.  God bless all of them, and God bless America.

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