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ToThePointLogoThe race to nominate a Republican Presidential candidate is in full swing.  Debates, lectures, and interviews have been the highlights of Sunday talk shows and cable news.

For nearly a year, pundits have been predicting the fall of one candidate and the surprise surge in the polls of another.  If you recall last summer, candidate Newt Gingrich had abandoned his campaign and taken a sabbatical to Greece.  Everyone thought his bid for the Republican nomination was over.

To the surprise of many, Newt now leads the pack and appears to be gaining momentum.  Romney continues to take one step forward and two back.   I thought the new Musical on Broadway, Book of Mormon, would ease the fears of the Evangelical wing of the Republican Party, and give Mitt the boost he needed.  Alas, he continues to trail the front runner.

Rick Perry lags behind the Newt and Mitt for the nomination.  Many placed their hopes on this Texan, but his failure to remember which departments he intends to eliminate has proven to be a real stumbling block not to mention his animosity toward that Supreme Court Justice; you know, the one that wears the long, black robe and sits with the others wearing long black robes.

Ron Paul, Michelle Bachman, and John Huntsman have fallen to single digits in the polls while Santorum and Cain occupy the last very bottom of the list.

With all this uncertainty, there is one bright spot, but it is not for any of the Republican Candidates.  If elections were held today, President Obama would beat the Republican nominee in the Presidential Election whether it was Gingrich or Romney according to the most recent polls.  This is at a time when President Obama’s job approval rate is at 43% verses 46% disapproval and when 69% of the electorate believes that the country is heading in the wrong direction.

The Iowa Caucus is 18 days away.   Many are wondering who will win and what will it mean for the Republican Party?  Newt might win, or Romney might win, or even Ron Paul might win.  Iowa will not predict the winner of the Republican nominee for President.  That will be up to the people who make up the Republican Party.  And that is to the point.

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