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ToThePointLogoThe other day I was looking for the battery to my cordless drill. While searching for the illusive power source, I came across my crystal ball tucked away in a velvet bag next to my coffee can of assorted nails, screws, and other rusted fasteners. With great care, I removed the orb from its soft protective covering and brushed off a few pieces of dust.

Once it was placed on its walnut base, I began an ancient ritual which many writers have done over the centuries. I set aside the crystal ball, propped up my feet on the coffee table, sipped my cup of hot tea and relaxed as my mind wandered through the uncharted landscape of 2012.

The year is just one week old, and the country anxiously awaits the arrival of good news. So here are my predictions for the New Year. Global events will continue to dominate headlines with member countries of European Union teetering on economic collapse. A few, such as Greece and Spain might take the plunge into bankruptcy depending upon their governments' willingness to implement strict discipline in all sectors of the economy.

Unrest in the Middle East will continue as shockwaves caused by the "Arab Spring" foster a renewed sense of hope for democracy in the Arab world. Even countries like Bahrain and Syria, which have used military force to quell the uprisings by killing hundreds of its citizens, will have to yield to the demands of the people. If these governments fail to acknowledge the demands for more democracy, the protests will ultimately become civil wars.

On the home front, Republicans will finally stand behind Mitt Romney and nominate him as the Republican Candidate for the 2012 Presidential election. Evangelicals will admit that Mormons are "Christian enough" at least for this election, Newt will continue to declare himself the only viable candidate who can stand toe to toe with President Obama, and Ron Paul will retire and be granted a lifetime pension from the Government arguing that the government is just the right size when it comes to his retirement.

The economy will improve. Jobs will return but not nearly as fast as many might hope. The market will break the 13,000 mark, and precious metals will fall with gold dipping below $1000 an ounce. Oh, and yes, Barak Obama will win the election for President by a margin of 51% to 49% of the electoral votes.

The Empire State will see fracking begin in 2012. The color of green, that is the dollar, will be more desirable than the green of our environment. There are too many tax dollars at stake, and the Governor along with the legislature, are willing to risk an environmental disaster against the protests of a majority of the citizens.

Locally, the Lansing School district will adopt a new policy entitled, "Doing more with less." The school tax will decrease without hurting the quality of our children's education. The district will recognize excellence among faculty and staff while encouraging all to improve their skills. The Town and Village will embark on a plan to reunite the two separate entities into one governing body representing the interests of all who live in Lansing.

Finally, winter will continue to follow a mild course this year allowing gardeners and outdoor lovers a chance to think about an early spring. And that is to the point.


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