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ToThePointLogoThis past Tuesday, President Obama delivered the annual State of the Union Speech. As far as these speeches go, this one was a good speech. Like most of these speeches, it was filled with the positive themes of patriotism, hard work, and sacrifice. I believe he could have delivered the same message with fewer words, but being President has its advantages.

President Obama highlighted the programs that have succeeded, and the audience responded with a hardy round of applause. He then emphasized areas that have not achieved the intended levels of success urging more bi-partisan support. As expected, the audience gave the President a hardy round of applause. It was, if I may borrow from a well worn phrase, "a Groundhog Day" moment

But it was not the speech nor was it President Obama that made this event a memorable one. The highlight of this State of the Union speech was the presence of one person, Congresswoman Gabriella Giffords from Arizona.

If you recall, a little over one year ago Congresswoman Giffords was speaking at an event in the parking lot of a grocery store in Tucson, AZ. As she began to speak, a very troubled individual began firing an automatic weapon killing 6 people and wounding a dozen including Giffords. Among the dead was a 9 year old girl. The entire nation felt those wounds, and for a brief moment, those in Congress united as one.

At the 2011 State of the Union, Congress chose to leave one seat vacant in honor of Congresswoman Giffords who was recuperating from a bullet wound to the brain. The empty chair was a poignant reminder of the fragility of life, and a sign of hope that she would be expected back in the House to take her rightful place.

On Tuesday, one year and 17 days after that terrible shooting in Tucson, AZ, Congresswoman Gabriella Giffords stood as President Obama entered the House. The President greeted her with an affectionate hug. She was all smiles while many tried to hold back tears. Again, America was united by the mere presence of a single person.

Giffords had beaten the odds. She had reached deep within and found the strength, courage, and hope to survive. Through unimaginable days and weeks of hard work, she had regained her ability to move, eat, walk, and talk. Few have had to endure such pain and trauma, and those who have will admit it would have been easy to simply give up. But this great American, this great Patriot did not.

Giffords could not have achieved this remarkable feat on her own. She had the expertise of skilled surgeons, nurses, therapists, and the support of family and friends. Her presence, her smile, and her determination are what make this country great. In the face of adversity, she stood strong. She is a true public servant.

The following day, Congresswoman Giffords returned to the House to deliver her letter of resignation to the Speaker of the House, Boehner. As she carefully walked up to the platform and handed the Speaker her letter, you could see, just for a moment, a truly bi-partisan Congress.
Speaker Boehner and the rest of the House could not control their emotions as tears flowed. These tears were not ones shed out of sorrow. They were a tribute to a politician who had demonstrated what it means to defend liberty and justice for all.

Perhaps we can learn a lesson from Giffords and put our effort into regaining our place in the global market. The members of the House and Senate might sent aside their ego and devotion to the "Party" and consider the good of the American people. This is exactly what Gabriella Giffords has done. Congresswoman Gabriella Giffords is Person of the Year. And that is to the point.


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