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Recent events at the local and national level have given me an opportunity to reflect on the genuine decency of humanity.  In a world where cynicism, corruption, and corporate profiteering maintain a place of prominence in our lives, it is refreshing to hear and read about ordinary people performing extraordinary feats.

The call to duty of Corporal Christopher Bordoni illustrates that unique spirit of patriotism combined with youthful optimism.  CPL Bordoni enlisted into the United States Marine Corps, and served his first tour of duty in Afghanistan in April 2011.  He quickly earned the respect of his outfit and commanding officers by his bravery and quick thinking and uncanny ability to make instant friends with local Afghans, especially children.

During the finals weeks of his second tour of duty in Afghanistan, CPL Christopher Bordoni was critically wounded during an attack by a suicide bomber while on patrol in the Kajaki region.  Although he suffered immeasurably from the force of the explosion, he managed to hang on until he reached the hospital in San Antonio, Texas.  He did so because he had promised his wife, in a phone conversation a few days before the attack that he would come home.  CPL Bordoni died on April 3 from the injuries he suffered from the explosion.

With the news of Cpl. Bordoni’s death, the community rallied around the family in an outpouring of support.  Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered flags at half staff.  Local groups of veterans and citizens lined the funeral cortege route from Syracuse to Ithaca offering tributes and moments of silence.  Old men, who had served their country in previous wars, stood at attention while younger children looked in wonder at the sight of those same old men wiping tears from their eyes as the flag draped hearse passed by.

Once in Ithaca, a town not known for its support of any military action, locals stood in line for hours to offer comfort to the Bordoni family.  The church was filled to capacity for the funeral service.  Many spoke about “Chris” as a friend, a husband, a son, and just an ordinary kid from Ithaca- words that describe every hero.

War always seems so distant until someone you know dies in battle.  It is at this moment when the reality of war touches the very essence of our daily lives.  The death of a loved one or friend creates such a void that little can ease the feeling of helplessness and loss.  As with the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan leaves many important questions unanswered.  There is one irrefutable fact: brave young men are dying on the battle field, and that needs to stop.

The support of the community throughout this tragedy offers a glimpse into the caring spirit that all of us possess.  For a brief moment, the reality of war hit home, and it hit us hard.  We experienced a loss like no other, and it is my hope that our country will bring the troops home before another community faces the same grief that we have. CPL Christopher Bordoni, we offer up the simplest tribute that describes you and the many men and women who serve our country, the motto of the Marine Corps, “Semper Fidelis,” Always faithful.  And that is to the point. 

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