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mailmanThe article on sewer discussions was very interesting. Not being in the proposed district, I will not be voting on it or subject to paying for it.

However, I am concerned for those who will be in the district that the town is looking at financing it with one year bond anticipation notes, (BAN) at a 1% interest rate. What will happen to the annual cost when rates go up? Note I said "when" not "if". Short term interest rates are artificially low at this time due to actions by the federal government to encourage economic growth.

In my opinion, this type of project should be financed with long term bonds at a fixed rate so the voters in the proposed district will know what it is going to cost them.
I believe that sewer is needed in the town and will encourage development of industrial and business activity. However, I don't see any major residential development on the state property being acquired because of the proximity of the two NYS detention facilities.

George Gesslein
Lansing, NY

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