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A brave crowd gathered at Lansing High School in a dark, sweltering gymnasium Monday to honor student athletes with the 2007-2008 Varsity Athletic Awards.  Here is a list of the recipients:


Football- Ed Redmond-

                                       Kyle Sweazey- Captains Award

                                       Charlie Hatfield- Captains Award

                                       Vincent Redmond-Captains Award


Boys Soccer- Adam Heck-

                                       Tyler Fleming- Coaches Award

                                       Tim McGiff- MIP

                                       Walker Diebolt- MVP

Girls Soccer- LaMarr Peters-

                                        Rachael Palladino- MVP

                                        Ryann Cretney-MIP

                                        Ellyn Grant-Keane- Coaches Award

Girls Swim- Diane Hicks-Hughes-

                                        Kali Dean- Most Valuable Swimmer

                                        Courtney Pollack- Most Improved Swimmer

Volleyball- Amy O'Brien-

                                         Laura Fiorille-MIP

                                         Julie Corey- MIP

                                         Nicole Molinari- Coaches Award

Cross Country- Heather Miller-

                                        Josh Barber- Most Valuable Runner

                                        Casey Nassif- Most Improved Runner

                                        Mike Monacelli- Most Improved Runer

                                        Travis Miller-Coaches Award

Football Cheerleading- Jessica Keturi-

                                        Lauri Bush-Coaches Award

                                        Rachel Bogardus


Basketball Cheerleading- Jessica Keturi-

                                         No awards given

Boys Basketball- Adam Heck-

                                         Teagen Barresi- MVP

                                         Charlie Hatfield- Coaches Award

Girls Basketball- Stu Dean-

                                         Jocelyn Ford- MVP

                                         Ellyn Grant-Keane- MIP

Wrestling- Doug Dake-

                                         Kyle Dake- Most Valuable Wrestler

                                         TJ Cretney- Most Improved Wrestler

                                         Colden Knapp- Most Improved Wrestler

Bowling-Doug Volbrecht-

                                          Philip Kulis- Highest Average

                                          Daniel Baldini- Most Improved Bowler

Boys Swim- Brian Vaughan

                                            Jake Sangren- Most Valuable Swimmer

                                            Clement Towner- Most Improved Swimmer

                                            David Bandler-Coaches Award

Boys Indoor Track- Matt Scheffler-

                                             Eddy Potter- Most Improved Runner

Girls Indoor Track-Matt Scheffler-

                                             Jenna Lamb-Most Improved Runner



Baseball- Ed Redmond-

                                             Teagen Barresi- Coaches Award

                                              Vincent Redmond- Coaches Award

Softball-Stacey Bartels-

                                             Nina Lindberg-MVP

                                             Chelsea Swearingen-MIP

                                              Kristen LaRock- Coaches Award

Tennis-Cindy Wright-

                                              Nicholas Urbany- Co-Most Valuable Player

                                              Nicolo Gentile-Co-Most Valuable Player

Golf- Matt Loveless-

                                              Jess Esposito-Most Valuable Golfer

                                              Austin Moore- Most Improved Golfer

                                              Craig Esposito-Coaches Award

Boys Track- Matt Scheffler-

                                             Henry Potter- Most Valuable Athlete

                                              Daniel Comisi- Most Improved Athlete

                                             Ken Tillapaugh- Coaches Award

Girls Track- David Ames-

                                              Carol Melice-Most Valuable Athlete

                                              Ryann Cretney- Most Valuable Athlete

                                              Christine Fuchs-Most Improved Athlete

                                               Kathryn Shaw- Coaches Award


Outstanding Male Athlete- Teagen Barresi

Outstanding Female Athlete- Ryann Cretney

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