Advertise In The Lansing Star
Why Advertise in the Star?
The Lansing Star has a loyal readership in a demographic you want to reach. Whether you are located in Lansing, Tompkins County, or neighboring communities, the Lansing Star is the perfect medium for your advertising. Advertising in the Star is also a way you can show the Lansing community that you support its free online newspaper.
- We not only get regular readers from week to week, but many find our pages through search engines such as Google, where we are well placed
- If you are a restaurant owner consider this: in our first two years restaurant reviews were prominant in the top 100 articles of all time, accounting for a total of more than 7200 clicks. This means that advertising on our Around Town page or our Search and Archive pages will bring our readers to you
- Lansing is the fastest growing community in Tompkins County. Advertising in the Star means that you not only reach them, but you are the first businesses people learn about when they are thinking of moving here or visiting
- The Front Page is the best spot to advertise, because it gets the most hits. The Search and Archives pages are also in this category
- The News and Around Town pages consistently get the most hits after the Front Page. The Business page often reaches this level, as does Entertainment
Click to download our ad rates (PDF)
Advertising Rates & Info
Advertisements Reserve a space on a page of your choice. We have top and bottom banner ads, graphic side ads and text ads available. All ads are clickable, and can go to your web site, or an informational page about your business on our site. Ask about enhanced informational pages.

Click to download as PDF Call Karen at 533-4567 to inquire about our reasonable advertising rates. Or email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail:
The Lansing Star Online
PO Box 299
Lansing, NY 14882-0299
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