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ashley_12020 dancers from the Armstrong School of Dance perform in the 87 year old American tradition, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Thursday November 28, 2013.  Caoily Andrews, Alicia Biskup, Ashley Burt, Abigail Campbell, Ploy Chutintaranond, Maddie Crooker, Serena Exantus, Megan Firth, Kristen Galvin, Jenna Gooch, Cassidy Gorsky, Colleen Gorsky, Cindy Guo, Kara Johnson, Katie McCullough, Kamryn Phlegar, Julia Rasmussen, Emma Robinson, Jaina Swanhart and Julia Webster.

Local dancers will be performing with the The Spirit of America Performance Dance Team.  Our high school dancers were invited to perform in the parade along side with 600 additional performers from around the Nation. All of our performers are going to New York City 6 days prior to the parade for daily 6 hour rehearsals with their other dance team members.

They will march the 2.5 miles through Manhattan and perform at Herald Square in front of Macy’s with the Spirit of America Performance Dance Team.  This parade will be televised on NBC from 9:00-12:00.

The Armstrong School of Dance was also represented in the 2008 and 2011 parades.

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