- By Jim Evans
- Around Town

A few years ago, my heart stopped functioning properly. A cardiac artery was blocked, and I felt some strange and scary symptoms. The blockage was relieved with a stent, and the hospital that installed it included a detailed lecture to all such patients. They don’t want to see us again. Heeding that information has kept me healthy, and I want to share what I’ve learned. | ||
Holiday events and food seem designed by evil geniuses to tempt us to eat and drink ourselves into an early grave. The spread of rich foods and richer desserts makes it easy to forget Rule #1: Avoid saturated fats. But here’s the Holiday Rider to Rule #1: Don’t be too hard on yourself.
I got through Thanksgiving on lots of white meat (see Rule #1), even though I always liked dark meat better, but I allowed myself lots of gravy on it and on the mashed potatoes (see Rider). I passed on the stuffing. (It’s full of butter). Would have taken it, but I like gravy more. And people say I make killer gravy. Well, yes.
But that’s what you gotta do: pick your sin and enjoy it without regret. Somebody put butter on the veggies? Hey, they taste better that way. I took some. Not a lot, though, and not dredged through the golden pond at the bottom of the dish. I’ve learned to love them with extra virgin olive oil, but why make a meal like this even more complicated?
Just enjoy what you can and don’t make a fuss. I hate hearing folks brag about their dietary restrictions as if everyone were fascinated.
As for dessert, well, I was happy with a little more cranberry sauce. Maybe a bite of pie, but just the inside, no crust. I made sure I was nearly bursting before dessert came out. That made it easier to say no.
If somebody did a relish tray, keep it close. Those raw veggies — excuse me; crudités — and pickles and olives are your friends. Be careful about the dips, though. Nonfat yogurt with some herbs can make a decent alternative to sour cream dip. Yes, there’s nonfat sour cream, but it’s from a food factory’s chemistry set.
As I said, this gets worse and continues into January. No, you can’t take those cute cookies; they’re loaded with butter. The bacon wrapped shrimp? Are you kidding? Some cakes are OK, if you leave the icing on your plate. The most tempting candies are usually the most lethal. Isn’t this fun?
Through it all, do your best to maintain your walk schedule or gym visits. I hate to say exercise; it sounds so compulsory and not-fun. Just keep that body moving. Rest not, rust not. In my teaching career, I knew too many colleagues who retired and expired within two years, because they spent their days staring at a screen, TV or computer. If you hate getting out to walk, join a dance class, or whatever, consider a walking desk. Look it up. Very cool and life-expanding.
Disclaimer: This stuff comes from my research and experience. Your doctor is the final authority.
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