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 Lansing's Advice Column

Dear IMO,

My 16 year old son wants to get his driver’s license as soon as possible. He has been driving with his permit for just under three months. I have made it clear that he must take Drivers’ Education at the high school before he gets a license. He promises to take it this summer if he can get his license now. I think he’s still too young and needs more time on the road? What do you think?
Sue P.

Dear Sue,

You are absolutely right. With just three months on the road, he is very inexperienced and unprepared for solo driving. Although he might pass the driving test, he certainly lacks the basic level of confidence all drivers need.

My father was a firm believer in the two permit rule. With each permit lasting six months, a young driver would have an opportunity to drive in all types of weather gaining valuable experience. Each season poses it challenges and risks. He needs to drive on a wintry day with an experienced driver who can offer sound advice and offer safe driving tips. He needs to know when and how to slow down when road surfaces are slippery. He must swear to never get into a car with a drunk driver, and to get the keys away from said drunk with an understanding that it is okay to call home for a ride no matter what the hour.
A Drivers’ Education course will teach him all of these important lessons and much more. Yes, accidents do occur with drivers who have successfully completed “drivers’ ed,” but they at least are prepared for such events having listened to instructors and watched specially designed videos. Not only will you be happy, the rest of us drivers will thank you for taking such an important stand.

E-mail your question to IMO at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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