- By Rhian Ellis
- Around Town

Funds are raised through the FABG performance booklet advertisement sales. The Boosters produce performance booklets for middle and high school concerts and plays, totaling over 30 events each year.
The next FABG mini-grant deadline is February 1, 2014.
The Fine Arts Boosters support all the arts for all the kids. FABG strives to foster appreciation for the arts, advocate for the arts, and improve learning opportunities for all. To reach these goals, the Boosters fundraise, communicate, form partnerships and give grants. The Boosters invite everyone to celebrate and support the fine and performing arts in the ICSD.
Ongoing FABG initiatives include printing of all the performance booklets for concerts and drama productions in the middle and high schools; fundraising; Play It Again, Ithaca, the collection of used musical instruments and monies to purchase new instruments for use in the schools; and various advocacy efforts in support of arts in the schools
Belle Sherman, Caroline and Fall Creek Elementary
Cindy Daly, music
"Increasingly Engaging Instrumental Music Lessons"
Beverly J. Martin Elementary
Nancy Siegele, Arne Van Leuken, Elizabeth Inman and Lisa Tsetse, dance
"Story Dance"
Beverly J. Martin Elementary
Jennifer Kaiser, music
"Music for String Orchestra Students"
Caroline Elementary
Kerri Burke, art
"Thinkers in the Arts" banner project
Enfield Elementary
Christine Finnigan, theater
"Tiny Tales" by Regi Carpenter
Enfield Elementary
Claire DeFelice, music and dance
"Afro-beat Workshop with Big Mean Sound Machine"
Boynton Middle School
Michael Allen, music
"2014 New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) Conference Performance Clinic"
DeWitt Middle School
Aaron Buck, music
"Orpheus Chamber Orchestra Leadership and Team Experience"
DeWitt Middle School
Buddie Woodridge, music
"Kinesthetic and Visual Tools for Teaching Music Concepts and Skills"
DeWitt Middle School
Jennifer Kivisild, music
"Creating, Performing, and Understanding Music with the Wii"
Lehman Alternative Community School
Gary Bercow, visual arts
"Courtyard Furniture Design and Construction"
Ithaca High School
Stephen Brookhouse, technical theater
"Drill/Driver Battery Replacement"
Ithaca High School
Gina Cacioppo, art
"Visiting Artists, Fashion Illustration Studio"
Ithaca High School
Ursula Hilsdorf, art
"The Memory Project"
Ithaca High School
Carol Spence, art
"Linocut Illustration"
Students served (fall): 1899
Arts area represented: Art 5, Music 7, Theater 2, Dance 2
Fall 2013 Minigrant Total awarded $6,289.70