- By Tim Shea
- Around Town

So shines the dawn, fire of ages past
In the dawning of time ere peace was torn
By dragon kin who earth to darkness cast
As reptile’s barbed tongue so sweet persuad’d
Fair Eve earth’s doom to take, so end’d true light
Until the king’s return brings renew’d
Light ending sadness and pain, giving sight
A sentence then was handed down as earn’d
The dragon lost his legs, and faithful ones
They hid themselves until the king return’d
When fly they shall again for the true son
The brightest dawn shall coax into the air
The dragons that great day from stony lair
Tim Shea's sonnet took third in the TST BOCES Creative Writing Contest.
Click here for a list of all the winners.
Tim Shea's sonnet took third in the TST BOCES Creative Writing Contest.
Click here for a list of all the winners.