- By -Staff
- Around Town

Katie Howell accompanies the kids on the keyboard. The lyrics are printed below:
Last year teachers and students at R. C. Buckley Elementary School decided to write a school song. The students voted to write their lyrics to the tune of 'Rockin' Robin' and shared all the things lhey love about their school on a big sign. Teachers and staff crafted the lyrics from these ideas. Monday the third and fourth grade chorus sang the new song for the Lansing Board Of Education. Here is a video of their performance. Elementary School Principal Christine Rebera introduces the song and music teacher Verse 1:
We walk in the doors with our heads held high
We smile at our friends as they go by.
We’re kind and honest all the day long
Making school a place where we all belong
R. C. Buckley is…the…best
R. C. Buckley is…the…best
Go, R.C. Buckley ‘cause we’re really gonna rock our school
Verse 2:
Working in the classroom at math each day,
Reading and Writing and then out to play.
We head to encore and what do we see?
Music, Art, Library and P.E.
You go to Kindergarten and meet new friends,
In 1st grade and 2nd grade, the fun never ends
You learn about the world when you’re in 3rd grade
In 4th you’re the oldest so you’ve got it made!
Verse 3:
We respect our teachers, and our classmates,
We love to learn, our school is great
From the tallest to way down low,
Every Buckley student shouts “BOBCATS, GO!”
We walk in the doors with our heads held high
We smile at our friends as they go by.
We’re kind and honest all the day long
Making school a place where we all belong
R. C. Buckley is…the…best
R. C. Buckley is…the…best
Go, R.C. Buckley ‘cause we’re really gonna rock our school
Verse 2:
Working in the classroom at math each day,
Reading and Writing and then out to play.
We head to encore and what do we see?
Music, Art, Library and P.E.
You go to Kindergarten and meet new friends,
In 1st grade and 2nd grade, the fun never ends
You learn about the world when you’re in 3rd grade
In 4th you’re the oldest so you’ve got it made!
Verse 3:
We respect our teachers, and our classmates,
We love to learn, our school is great
From the tallest to way down low,
Every Buckley student shouts “BOBCATS, GO!”