- By Maggie Thomas
- Around Town

The March for the Animals is scheduled for Sunday, October 5. Like other local 'friend raising' events, the majority of fundraising for the $100,000 goal will take place in the weeks leading up to the event.
Bouderau says "Leslie, along with her husband Cody and their daughters Anna and Sophie, are dedicated to our mission and our goals and I am thrilled that they will chair our 5th annual March for the Animals. For the next 10 weeks, they will be helping us rally fundraisers to help us meet or even exceed our goal! Anna and Sophie have already started raising money on their own!"

"We support the SPCA of Tompkins County because we both know how important animals are, and how quickly animals who are not cared for can become a problem," says Danks Burke. "The SPCA of Tompkins County's low-cost spay/neuter program for people who can't afford to get the work done any other way and the humane education outreach to youth are excellent examples of programs that make a tremendous difference in our community. Anna and Sophia say it best: 'We raise money for the SPCA because it helps animals find a good home where they can be loved and healthy and every animal should be loved and healthy.' Anna and Sophia have raised $102 so far this summer through lemonade stands."
"Our sponsors are also integral in helping us reach our goal," Bouderau goes on to say. "With $100,000 to raise for the veterinary care of hundreds of shelter animals, we rely on the generosity of our sponsors, our event fundraisers/registrants, all of their supporters, everyone!"