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Lansing High School International Night Chicken Barbecue and Fancy Cake Auction Set for Tuesday, April 25
Proceeds support the Rotary International Student Exchange Program

It’s spring! And time once again to partake of the annual Lansing High School International Night Chicken Barbecue and Fancy Cake Auction. It’s scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. in the Lansing High School Cafeteria. The event is sponsored by the Ithaca-Cayuga Rotary Club, the Lansing Faculty Association, Lansing students, and the Lansing Lions Club to support the Rotary foreign exchange students who live in the Lansing area with host families and attend Lansing High School.
The chicken will be barbecued Cornell Professor Bob Baker’s way and includes, potato, vegetable, dessert and beverage, and take-outs are available. Some very fancy cakes supplied by some of the area’s most creative bakers will be auctioned off.

Ryszard (Richard) Jarmuszewski from Poland is this year’s foreign exchange student living in Lansing and attending high school. In addition to his academic studies, Richard plays alto sax in the band and competes on the tennis team. During his year here he is living with three host families – Roger and Tilly Garnett, Dennis and Michele Mogil, and Syed and Nancy Raza. In exchange, Lansing’s Jahan Raza will be living in Mexico next year. Information about the Exchange Program will be available at the barbecue, including how to be a host family.

Dinners are $7.00 for a half chicken and $5.00 for a quarter and tickets are available from barbecue sponsors or at the entrance to the high school cafeteria the night of the dinner. Proceeds also support student scholarships awarded by the Lansing Faculty Association and various Lansing Lions Club community projects.

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