- By Katie Henderson
- Around Town

'Recycle Rush' involves stacking recycling totes and bins, and placing pool noodles (representing 'litter') on top. The robots will compete in 2.5 minute matches, starting with a fifteen second autonomous period (robots drive based on pre-programmed instructions). Unlike previous years' games that have involved extensive defensive strategy, this game features each three-team alliance constrained to one side of the field. This requires robots to be very skilled at offensive strategies, specifically working efficiently with their teammates to maximize the alliance’s score.
After the intense six-week build season, the team is forced to stop work on the robot until the two regional competitions they will be attending: Tech Valley in Troy, NY, and Buckeye in Cleveland, OH (March 20-22 and March 27-29, respectively). If Code Red is part of a winning alliance at one of these competitions, they will be eligible to participate in the 2015 FIRST Championships event in St. Louis, MO from April 22 - 25, a feat that with community support they have accomplished the past three years.
Code Red Robotics' build session will be open for the public on Saturday, February 7, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the Ithaca High School (IHS) Technology wing (accessible from both the Lake Street and N. Cayuga Street entrances to IHS). This fourth annual Ithaca High School Technology and Engineering Open House will feature displays from FIRST Lego League teams (elementary school branches of FIRST), TSA (IHS’s Technology Student Association), the Ithaca High School Technology Education department, and the hosts, FIRST Team 639 Code Red Robotics. This will be an opportunity for the community to come see this year’s robot, as well as learn about technological opportunities offered for Ithaca City School District (ICSD) students.