- By Maja Anderson
- Around Town

This year, for the first time, The Public Service Center is partnering with TST BOCES to expand access to a broader community. With access to TST BOCES classrooms and equipment, the Public Service Center will now be able to open up the program to all high school students in the Tompkins, Seneca, and Tioga BOCES region. Most importantly, TST BOCES is providing a Professional Staff Developer to train, guide and mentor our students as they coach high school students on how to better prepare for the SAT test.
"This is a huge gain for the program and a great opportunity to expand the program to a broader population of students in our community." said Amy Somchanhmavong, Associate Director, Service-Learning at the Public Service Center.
Let's Get Ready coach/mentors work with high school students in small groups of five students. High school seniors are placed in groups by their score on the first diagnostic test. In addition to SAT Prep, coach/mentors also provide college application assistance, and financial aid overview.