- By Cathy Moseley
- Around Town

Thirty-one students at Lansing High School participated in the 66th annual American Mathematics Contest 12, and/or the 15th annual American Mathematics Contest 10. The contests were held on Tuesday, February 3, 2015. The students competed for local, regional and national student and school awards. The contest, which covers high school mathematics, is given in participating schools. Its purpose is to spur interest in mathematics and develop talent through the excitement of friendly competition at problem solving in a timed format without the use of a calculator. In 2014 over 220,000 students from 4200 schools participated in the AMC 10 & AMC 12 contests.

The top scorer at Lansing in 2015 was Meeta Shrivastava, a senior, for school winner at the AMC 12 level. This was Meeta’s second year as the AMC 12 winner at Lansing High School. Elena Gupta and Skye Richardson tied for the remaining spots on the AMC 12 team.
AMC 10 winner was sophomore Jed Dewey. In second place on the AMC 10 was Michael Koch, a sophomore and freshman David Waldman claimed third place. Participating students are nominated by their math teachers.

According to Prof. Steven Dunbar, who serves as Director of the American Mathematics Competitions, the AMC 12 (first offered in 1950), and the AMC 10 (first offered in 2000), are part of a series of contests sponsored each year by The Mathematical Association of America, through their program, the American Mathematics Competitions. The AMC offers the only math competition series in the country leading to the United States of America Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO) and the Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program (MOSP). From this group of students, the AMC sends the highly competitive USA Team to the prestigious annual International Mathematical Olympiad.
The AMC is located at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. and receives support from the Akamai Foundation, American Mathematical Association of Two year Colleges, American Mathematical Society, American Society of Pension Actuaries, American Details concerning the 2008 AMC 10/12 contests for High School, as well as the rest of AMC’s programs are available on the AMC web site. www.unl.edu/amc/.
Scott Williamson, a senior at Lansing High School, has been named the winner of the Lansing High School Shakespeare competition and represented Lansing at the Regional Competition in Syracuse where he placed seventh of 19 participating school winners from Central New York. Runner up in the competition was Elsa Brenner with Caroline Taylor taking third place. Both Elsa and Caroline are sophomores.

Contestants performed up to twenty lines of a memorized Shakespearian piece before judges on an afternoon recently at Lansing’s High School.
The contest is sponsored by The English Speaking Union of the United States. The ESUUS celebrates English as a shared language to foster global understanding and good will by providing educational and cultural opportunities for students, educators, and members.