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ihs2012 120The Fine Arts Booster Group (FABG), an affiliate of IPEI, has awarded $2,015 in mini-grants to Ithaca City District School (ICSD) projects that will reach 865 students.  Funded projects include support for an Ithaca High School visual arts project collaboration with an international orphan organization, a Lehman Alternative Community School (LACS) local composer project, a Boynton Middle School international composer project shared with all secondary schools, a Northeast Elementary School Vitamin L concert, and Ithaca High independent senior projects.

For example, Australian composer Jodie Blackshaw will work with all band members from DeWitt Middle School, Boynton Middle School, Ithaca High School and LACS in rehearsals, group discussions, one-on-one student composer lessons, and preparation for a performance of her music.

Mary Ann Erickson, FABG's Grants Committee Chair notes, "The Grants Committee is excited that these projects connect teachers and their students with resources in the community that they wouldn't otherwise have access to."

Grant funds are made possible through FABG performance booklet ad sales and donations. The boosters produce performance booklet programs for middle and high school concerts and plays, totaling over thirty events each year.

FABG Spring 2015 Mini-Grant List:

Greg McQuade, Northeast Elementary, music, $500
   A Vitamin L concert and associated lessons for the entire school

Michael Allen, Boynton Middle School, music, $500
   Australian Composer, Jodie Blackshaw, will work with all band members from DeWitt Middle School, Boynton Middle School, Ithaca High School and LACS in rehearsals, group discussions, one-on-one student composer lessons and preparation for a performance of her music from October 12 – 16, 2015.

Ann-Marie Thayer, Lehman Alternative Community School, music, $500
Concert Band will work with local composer, Bill Calhoun, to prepare and perform one of his compositions. 

Carol Spence, Ithaca High School art, $315
The Memory Project is a unique initiative in which art students create portraits (drawings, paintings, digital art, etc) for children and teens around the world who have been neglected, orphaned, or disadvantaged.

Alexis Lord, Ithaca High School, multi-arts, $500
The grant will assist WISE students in their independent senior projects and presentations.

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