- By Matthew P. Binkewicz
- Around Town

Lansing's Advice Column
Dear IMO,
I went to listen to some bands play over the weekend at a local bar. While I was there, someone smashed the passenger window of my car and stole my purse. I discovered this near the end of the performance. I was quite upset about the whole incident, so I immediately phoned my husband to tell him what had happened. To my surprise, he became very annoyed with me for having left my purse in the car. I realize I should have locked it in the trunk or tucked it under the seat, but I think my husband’s reaction was a bit harsh? Can you give me some tips as to how I can speak with him about his reaction?
Many thanks,
Ann Marie
Dear Ann Marie,
YOU WHAT! Just kidding. From time to time, each of us will do something we will later regret. I often leave my cell phone sitting on the front passenger seat when I go grocery shopping. Is this wise? No. Is it an invitation for some disreputable sort to attempt a break in and steal the phone? Yes, but I don’t leave the phone in my car on purpose much like you did not leave your purse in the car on purpose. It is what most mortals call a mistake.
Unfortunately, there are some individuals who lurk the streets, alley ways, and parking lots looking for items in cars. Since we live in a relatively small and safe area, we often put down our guard and forget about those simple precautions that prevent such shady characters from robbing us of our valuables.
It would have been nice if your husband had said, “Oh, honey are you all right? Are you hurt? Don’t worry, we can cancel the credit cards and notify the bank. All that truly matters is that you were unharmed!”
Since he did not say this to you, you need to sit down with him and let him know how you feel. Perhaps you might suggest to him how you would have liked him to respond. I’m sure he has his list of really silly things that could have been avoided had he been a bit more careful. Tell him you have learned a valuable lesson and hope he has too.
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