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tokillamockingbirdIthaca, New York – June 23, 2015 – Harper Lee, the bestselling author of the Pulitzer Prize winning classic, "To Kill a Mockingbird," has a new novel being released on July 14th called "Go Set a Watchman."  In celebration of this new release, the Barnes & Noble Ithaca, New York store will be hosting a "To Kill a Mockingbird" all day Read-a-Thon on Monday, July 13th starting at 9 am and ending at 9:00 pm.  This highly anticipated new book is a historic literary event as it is the earliest known work from Harper Lee.  It features many of the characters from "To Kill a Mockingbird" some twenty years later.

"We are looking for fans of the book that feel especially connected to the characters and story," said Sherry Auble, Community Business Development Manager of Barnes & Noble.  "We are reaching out to local authors and illustrators, museum representatives, school and public librarians, university/college professors, local politicians, local media, local celebrities, teachers, school district administrators, and actors/actresses to take a 30 minute time slot and be part of this historical tribute."

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