- By Patty Poist
- Around Town

The contest called for submittals from TCAT passengers taking photos of themselves "selfies" on a bus or near a TCAT bus. National Dump the Pump Day is sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) to encourage people to park their cars, and instead ride public transit or use other alternative transportation.
"The world's smartest people ride TCAT, along with their smartphones," said H. Roger Segelken, a charter member of TCAT's Citizens Advisory Committee, who came up with the idea for a "selfies" contest. The committee is a group of TCAT riders who provide input and suggestions to TCAT.
Dillon, who is entering his junior year at Wells College where he is studying creative writing and journalism, took a picture of himself, (shown below), in front of the oldest bus in TCAT's fleet (an Orion in service since 1991). His caption was: "With the classic TCAT!"
Dillon will receive a Zone 2 annual pass, valued at $600, which will enable him to travel anywhere, and as frequently as he would like, in TCAT's service area for an entire year.
"The kind of enthusiasm Dillon conveys in this photo is contagious" said Patty Poist, TCAT's communications and marketing manager. "The expression on his face is priceless."
Dillon recently moved to Ithaca and works seven days a week at three local retailers. He is also a musician, blogger and sports fan.
"I love traveling," Dillon said. "So riding the bus is something I love to do and make it a routine just for the thrill of being able to get to where I need to go and just well, let the drivers do the work for me."

Second place winner is six-year-old Laura Ward, daughter of Michael and Serena Ward of Ithaca. Laura's parents took a selfie of her taking a selfie (also shown below) in front of a TCAT bus.
"Not only is this photo adorable, but it underscores TCAT's emphasis on getting very young people interested in public transportation and for them to learn how using transit benefits the environment and the economy," Poist said
Laura will receive a Zone 2 Youth Summer Pass, valued at $65. Laura will be able to use the pass on all TCAT buses anywhere in Tompkins County through Sept. 6.
TCAT staff members, as well as TCAT Acting General Manager Alice Eccleston and TCAT Board Chairman Frank Proto, voted on the 17 entries submitted. All other entrants will receive Zone 2 15-ride passes, valued at $33.
"It was a difficult choice, because they were all excellent entries," Poist said. "We appreciate our passengers taking the time to participate."