- By Tracy Fuller
- Around Town

The Class of 2015 is recognized for having initiated the school's International Humanitarian Law and Videography clubs, which have become credit-bearing elective courses.
"We are so proud of the Class of 2015 not only for their leadership in our learning community, but also for the ways that their accomplishments are being recognized by community organizations and colleges," said Tina Nilsen-Hodges, Principal of New Roots.
The keynote speaker for graduation commencement was Dan Hill, Seat Warmer for the Heron Clan, Cayuga Nation. Mr. Hill has been a speaker and honored guest at New Roots on several occasions, collaborating with New Roots teachers during learning expeditions and Intensives Week courses which engaged students in exploring the rich heritage of the Cayuga Nation.
Ten outstanding seniors were recognized for exemplifying qualities New Roots Charter School seeks to cultivate in their students with awards generously sponsored by the Myrtle Dee Nash Memorial Fund of the Community Foundation. Students were recognized as visionaries, life-long learners, systems thinkers, healthy persons, citizens and community members, attributes that, in the words of the New Roots mission statement, "empower young people as citizens and entrepreneurs who create just, democratic communities, and thriving green economies that restore the natural world that sustains us."
Honorees of community and college awards include:
- Antonio Triana of Cortland, New Roots recipient of the Beverly J. Martin Scholarship
- Irene Case of Ithaca, awarded a Presidential Scholarship at Ithaca College
- Isaak Hill of Ithaca, awarded a Merit Scholarship at Ithaca College
- Lily Murphy of Trumansburg, awarded the Nazareth College Trustees Scholarship
- Hannah Owh of Ithaca, awarded the Presidential Achievement Award and a University Scholarship to Saint Lawrence University
- Christina LaPage of Dryden, awarded the Presidential Scholarship to Wells College
- Emily Feaveryear, awarded the Presidential Scholarship to Wells College
- Isabella Romeo-Hall of Ithaca, awarded a Merit Scholarship and a Scholastic Achievement award from Evergreen College
Other colleges and universities that this year’s graduates will be attending include: Alfred University, Evergreen College, Marlboro College, Green Mountain College, TC3, and SUNY Oswego.
Graduating Seniors, New Roots Charter School Class of 2015:
Ella Bard
Tia Bernagozzi
Dante Berry
Sophie Boyer
Kyle Burns
Irene Case
Ethan Schenck
Hanna Colt
Brittany Conover
Faith Craig
Danita Delafleur
Zoe Economos
Kory Ellis
Emily Feavearyear
John French
Gabe Gaydos
Isaak Hill
Ryan Hill
Nora Hones
Kristen Jensen
Kristina LaPage
Hannah Leach
Veniamen Lykhvar
Soren Mortensen
Emily Murphy
Lilly Murphy
Michael Netter
Hanna Owh
Maxwell Petkov
Taylor Randall
Tyler Roberts
Rosemary Roenke
Isabella Romeo-Hall
Caroline Snyder
Anthony Sundquist
Antonio Triana
Ray Vanek-Johnson
Tucker Weatherby